Youth learning grant program opens in US today

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Dell YouthConnect logoDell is looking for partners to help young people discover new possibilities. Why? Because we know that in a connected economy, when students have access to the right technologies and tools, they are able to learn the skills they need for success in school, work – and in life tomorrow. As the strategic giving manager, I have seen first-hand how energized the youth become with our technology and a great example is from one of the poorest neighborhoods in Austin.

River City Youth Foundation - Austin TexasFor the children in Dove Springs Austin’s lowest income area, they have very few outlets where they can be exposed to the latest technology. They have even fewer opportunities to learn information and communications technology skills that link to the real world issues they face every day in a safe environment. That’s why Dell was proud to partner with the River City Youth Foundation. We upgraded their older technology platforms to the latest and greatest, provided funding for staff and program costs and provided more than 800 volunteer hours to help in the afterschool activities. When the technology was delivered to the center it was like Christmas!

Now, during the past six months as a Dell partner, this neighborhood-based technology hub has helped train 670 youth. Thousands more have been helped through more than 20 similar partnerships throughout the US in communities where our employees work and live, We are helping youth bridge the gap between the technology “haves” and the “have-nots” by placing Dell technology into underserved communities and working with non-profit organizations to teach information and technology skills. We believe that non-profit organizations are best positioned to understand the unique educational needs of their communities. We listen to these organizations and partner with them to provide the technology, financial resources and expertise to bridge any learning and technology gaps.

Are you a non-profit organization who believes and aligns to our philosophy? If so, we are looking for you. We are now accepting applications from qualified non-profit organization focused on youth learning. If you have an innovative learning and technology-driven program you may be eligible to apply. The competitive application cycle opens and closes on April 13.

Visit to review our criteria and guidelines. A key emphasis for this year’s process is assistive technology because we believe that every child should have an equal opportunity for using our technology.

To learn more about all our giving programs visit:

About the Author: Michele Glaze

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