3 Reasons Why What You Say Really Matters…

EMC is a huge company. We have thousands of customer interactions every day. So why should you believe that what you have to say about your EMC experience really makes a difference? Here are three reasons that will hopefully illustrate that your feedback really matters.


Customer and partner ratings of your experience with EMC continue to increase and remain positive. Common industry benchmarks, such as Customer Satisfaction transactional surveys and Net Promoter Score, clearly demonstrate how customers from around the world, large and small, feel about EMC. By analyzing thousands of data points, we can feel confident that our efforts to continuously improve and deliver a great experience are actually having an impact.

Based on responses to the Customer Service survey that is offered following a service request, we actually identified the need to create a multi-lingual support center, which now exists in Draper, Utah. Since the introduction of this Center, we have seen a reduction in customer comments related to "communication challenges/barriers" when engaging with support employees. We were able to run advanced text analytics across all of the survey data to come to this important conclusion, which shows that the Center is making a difference.

The Experience Analytics Showcase is a brand new demo available on emc.com and shows diverse examples on how we leverage customer data to drive improvements. This was shared with 800+ customers and partners at EMC World 2014 and received extremely positive responses and many requests to provide this content online for everyone to access and explore. Check out the information we have included and let us know what you think!



There is something really special about EMC employees.  Every employee, even those who are not traditionally "customer facing", feels a sense of responsibility to "do the right thing" for our customers…ALWAYS. We care about our relationship with you and what you have to say.

One of the best examples of EMC’s desire to connect customer to subject matter experts is the "Ask The Expert" program hosted via ECN and Twitter. There are six very talented experts ready to engage with customers right now through our current Ask The Expert: Continuous Improvement Through Customer Feedback discussion, which is open through Oct. 17. These experts represent services, pre-sales, mobile and user experience teams — they all leverage feedback to improve their respective areas and want to hear about your current experience and what we need to do to evolve as your business needs change.

One of the featured experts, Mary Beth Raven, regularly engages with customers to understand their user experience. She shares how users have special opportunities to provide feedback, such as the Design Advisory Council, which is a group of ViPR SRM customers who participate in one or more meetings a month to evaluate designs for the next release.

Hear what employees from across the company have to say about why they care about your end-to-end experience:



Finally, it is critical that a commitment to you and your experience is valued and communicated by our leaders. As I said in the beginning of this blog, we are a huge company. We have thousands of employees located in every corner of the globe. To truly create a culture (not just an ad-hoc "program" or "campaign") that centers on customers, we need the support and investment of every functional leader at EMC. There is no doubt in my mind that our leaders are unwilling to compromise on delivering a great experience. This relentless passion filters down to all levels of the organization and is what has allowed us to sustain a strong reputation, even when we have experienced challenging situations, both for our customers and the company.

Listen to what a few of our leaders, including EMC II CEO, David Goulden, have to say about the Total Customer Experience:


Are we perfect? No. Do we strive to always be better and make sure that your feedback is valued and incorporated into our product, process and service improvements? Yes.

What you say really does matter. So what are you waiting for…? Tell us about your experience today!

Nishita Roy

Global Services Marketing

Follow me on Twitter: @nishita_roy

About the Author: Nishita Roy