Unlocking the Power of Information at Dell World

In my role as general manager for Dell Software’s information management group, I’m often asked a simple yet critical question: What exactly does Dell mean when it talks about information management?  It’s an understandable question, given that so many vendors articulate definitions of information management that aim only to fit within the confines of their specific product sets. And that’s what makes Dell’s approach to information management unique. We look at information management holistically, and we offer solutions that address it agnostically.

While I’ve shared some thoughts on this concept in a previous blog post, with Dell World right around the corner, I thought it was time to reinforce our vision. With that in mind, I’m proud to publicly unveil a new infographic that depicts our vision of information management:


At Dell World, attendees will have an opportunity to see how this Infographic comes to life as we’ll be showcasing the unique combination of hardware, software and services that enable us to address all three pillars of the modern information management landscape: Manage, Integrate and Discover. At each step, Dell has agnostic tools and customized services to enable you to deliver the right data to the right people at the right time for maximum business value.

We accomplish this with a vendor agnostic, holistic approach that offers the flexibility to pick and choose what you need, when you need it. For example, one day you might have to make sense of your Oracle data, while the next day you need help deciphering data from Microsoft SQL Server or IBM DB2. Or, you might be seeking a simpler way to manage an influx of unstructured Big Data while accommodating your structured databases. .

No matter where data comes from, we can help pull it together from disparate data stores, cloud and on-premise databases into a centralized place for further discovery and analysis.

The ability to discover trends and make informed decisions is the essence of our Discover pillar, which encompasses a rich set of capabilities for accessing, preparing, analyzing and sharing data from any source. Since we are agnostic to location, type and vendor, we empower you to perform analytics on any combination of structured, unstructured and social media data.

Remember, data itself isn’t necessarily valuable. Only when it’s been sifted or sorted and understood does it reveal valuable insights. And the process requires business acumen to achieve the desired a-ha moment. Dell is all about enablement, bringing elements together in a holistic approach.

At the end of the day, customers want to talk about solutions, so we’ll be showcasing several real-world examples of how informed decisions drive innovations, greater market opportunities and new revenue streams. At Kennesaw State University, for instance, Toad Business Intelligence Suite has assisted in transforming the school’s HR processes while empowering university leaders to proactively address critical academic matters. Not only has Kennesaw saved 20 hours a week previously spent on correcting manual reporting errors, the HR department has gone from producing 12 automated reports a year to delivering 50 in two months.

We’ll have other proof points to share at Dell World that reinforce how we’re assembling the right pieces and parts within an overarching architecture to provide our customers with one comprehensive tool chain for all their information management needs.

Look for me at Dell World or drop me a line at Matt_Wolken@Dell.com or on Twitter at @matthewwolken.

About the Author: Matt Wolken