Integrate, Don’t Frustrate: OpenManage Integration with ServiceNow Streamlines IT Service Administration

As an IT professional, I get frustrated when my applications don’t work properly. I can’t imagine how you may feel as an IT service administrator, when faced with more complex IT challenges. You contend with multiple disconnected tools and processes daily. Moreover, organizational silos make it difficult for you to detect, diagnose and resolve issues quickly. You also suffer from manual processes, which increase the risk of human error. All of this leads to stressful fire-fighting.

Did you know nearly 70% of your time is spent maintaining existing IT environments?[1] Furthermore, 75% of downtime is caused by manual and disconnected IT processes.[2] With all the technology in the world today, you must be thinking there has to be a better way.

Luckily, the Dell OpenManage Integration with ServiceNow enables you to streamline IT service administration and reduce risk in your data center, all within the familiar ServiceNow instance. The integration allows you to easily monitor and manage your PowerEdge server infrastructure within the ServiceNow console.

Streamline IT service administration

The OpenManage Integration with ServiceNow reduces time-consuming, manual processes through automation, enabling you to connect disparate IT processes and data from multiple consoles into one. The integration also promotes IT service administration transparency and accountability to streamline your IT administration efforts.

Additionally, the integration allows you to manage your events and incidents automatically with auto-incident creation. Any incident that appears in OpenManage Enterprise will automatically populate on your ServiceNow instance. No longer spend countless hours manually entering information into a separate console. Simply use one console. The seamless integration also enables you to customize workflows, assign events for remediation, and manage events. This can be done all within your ServiceNow console. Compare this integration to how apps sync together in a smartphone. Many of the apps you use today sync in your smartphone allowing you to access what you need in one instance instead of going to each individual app.

Also, the OpenManage integration with ServiceNow includes integration with SupportAssist Enterprise, saving steps in your administrative process. This integration enables you to automatically import open cases from SupportAssist Enterprise as incidents into ServiceNow and helps you monitor all your open service requests. You no longer need to create a separate incident into your ServiceNow instance to track a Dell support request raised against your PowerEdge server. For example, if one of your fans fails in your PowerEdge server, SupportAssist Enterprise will create a Dell Support ticket based on the alert that it receives from OpenManage Enterprise and will also create a dispatch for a replacement fan the next business day. With OpenManage Integration for ServiceNow, you will be able to monitor your support ticket progress right from your ServiceNow instance. Time is money, and your servers need to be running 24/7.

Reduce risk in your data center

You may often be notified about problems in the data center too late. This leaves you scrambling to take care of problems quickly before they spiral out of control. Luckily, you will not have to endure this with the OpenManage Integration with ServiceNow because it enables you to detect potential issues on your PowerEdge servers earlier. This minimizes the risk in your data center. If an issue is detected, you can quickly diagnose the problem and resolve the issue. Furthermore, the integration will significantly decrease the risk of human error simply by eliminating manual entry. Human error happens a lot more than you may realize. Think about how much spell check corrects our documents or emails, for example. It has saved me from some critical typos in the past. Just one mistake can cause significant damage.

With the OpenManage Integration with ServiceNow, you can keep a current view of the health of your servers in your data center. You can monitor your entire PowerEdge server infrastructure within the ServiceNow console. This significantly reduces risk because you are constantly monitoring the health of your servers in near real-time. Situations can quickly get out of hand if they aren’t monitored. A handy feature is that you can set up thresholds to categorize critical events from those that aren’t critical. Critical events requiring immediate attention can automatically be created as incidents. Once a critical event is triggered, you will be notified right away, quickening your response and resolution time.

The OpenManage Integration with ServiceNow reduces your risk much like preventative health screenings reduce the risk of getting ill. It is generally recommended to visit your doctor on a regular basis for health screenings as a preventative measure. If you only visit the doctor when you feel ill, you risk missing important signs of an illness. The OpenManage Integration with ServiceNow alerts you to failures quickly, allowing more time for resolution.

End your frustration with IT service administration

Streamline IT service administration and reduce risk in your data center with Dell OpenManage Integration with ServiceNow. The integration reduces frustration because it helps you overcome organizational silos, disconnected tools and manual processes. In the same vein of stress reduction, read how you can work smarter and increase  productivity with the latest version of Dell OpenManage Enterprise.

To learn more about PowerEdge servers and OpenManage tools, visit, or join the conversation on Twitter @Dellservers.

[1] Source: The causes & costs of data center system downtime – Advisory Board Q&A

[2] Source: Forrester Research, Inc., Forrsights Budgets & Priorities Tracker Survey

About the Author: Natalie Patterson

Natalie enjoys bringing stories to life through her writing. Prior to joining Dell EMC, Natalie began her career by participating in a 3-year rotational Marketing Management Development Program. She then took on a diverse set of Product Marketing roles within the aviation and industrial markets. She received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana. Natalie lives in Austin, TX, and spends her free time outdoors, keeping active, and traveling.