Generative AI is the accelerator of the decade and represents a massive and immediate opportunity for organizations. But capitalizing on the extraordinary potential of GenAI is easier said than done. With it brings immense complexity and questions around what model to choose, how to produce business outcomes (and fast) while also weighing risks including data protection, security and cost control, among others. So, what are the critical considerations for decision-makers – where are they in their journey and what are their top expectations and challenges?
While GenAI shows exciting potential for innovation, it also opens up many challenges in terms of implementation and risk. To better understand what’s limiting or stopping organizations from embracing these technologies, Dell Technologies has surveyed 500 IT Leaders from several countries to generate important insights around readiness and potential. The goal is to arm our customers with visibility into the very real but hard-to-reach opportunity that is GenAI.
The Dell GenAI Pulse Survey organized findings into 3 key themes:
1. The opportunity of GenAI: GenA is the accelerator of the decade, and innovative companies are poised to capture this massive and potentially once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. But where to start and how to demonstrate the value it promises?
2.The speed paradox: (How to move fast but do it right) For IT Leaders who have moved beyond piloting their GenAI initiatives, the vast majority have already begun centralizing their GenAI decision-making processes and report that they are on track to deliver meaningful results – but they also report that it starts with defining the right models.
3.Bring AI to your data- For IT Leaders who have moved beyond piloting their GenAI initiatives, the vast majority have already begun centralizing their GenAI decision-making processes and report that they are on track to deliver meaningful results – but they also report that it starts with defining the right models.
Dell Technologies has the world’s broadest GenAI solutions portfolio – from desktop to data center to cloud and is uniquely positioned to be a strategic partner in all things GenAI. To learn more, visit Dell’s GenAI Pulse Survey.