The new face of the EMC Isilon Community

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The official EMC® Isilon® online community has been updated! If you haven’t seen it yet, visit the new EMC Isilon Community on the EMC Community Network (ECN) now.

The ECN has always been a good resource for those interested in EMC to connect and start conversations. Through an effort to bring together everything Isilon-related in one place, the EMC Isilon Community now provides:

  • A free version of the Isilon OneFS Simulator
  • Key support, training, and marketing content all consistently tagged for easy searching
  • Access to Isilon experts via forum discussions

Easily search for content

We’ve pooled together our greatest technical content—including product documentation, blogs, white papers, marketing materials, training, and videos—and placed it into one space to make it easier to search. We want to help Isilon customers and employees quickly find content and discussions that they need.

The Content tab on the EMC Isilon Community enables you to filter results by content type and tags.
The Content tab on the EMC Isilon Community enables you to filter results by content type and tags.

All the content available on the EMC Isilon Community is also searchable by popular search engines. You can also start your search by visiting the EMC Isilon Community home page, where information is organized by task:

  • Learn: Access materials to help you get started with Isilon OneFS, such as the OneFS Simulator, technical videos, and “Ask the Expert” discussion threads
  • Configure: Download how-to guides and information about the latest software and firmware releases
  • Manage: Find content and discussions related to best practices for monitoring and managing OneFS
  • Support: Connect with EMC Isilon Technical Support resources and browse popular content about troubleshooting and support-related questions

Click the Content tab to access advanced search filters and browse categories of content. When you create an ECN account and log in, you can follow, share, and participate in the EMC Isilon Community. Log in or register as a new user.

Start a discussion

Click the "Start a Discussion" link to begin a conversation with Isilon community members.
Click the “Start a Discussion” link to begin a conversation with Isilon community members.

If you have a question for the Isilon community or want to share an interesting tip with fellow OneFS users, start a discussion in our community space. Click the “Start a discussion link. You will need an ECN account to create a new discussion topic. You can also include tags and categories to help others find your discussion through their searches.

Isilon employees often join the conversation and can provide answers to your questions. We’re here to listen to your feedback and help.

Look for regular updates

We’ll continue to curate new content and keep this community updated with the latest information, training, and topics that matter to you. Add a bookmark to the EMC Isilon Community site and check back regularly to stay on top of the latest Isilon knowledge.

We’ll also add links to the EMC Store, where you can explore and buy Isilon products.

Give us your feedback

We’ll continue to grow and update the EMC Isilon Community over time. Your suggestions, ideas, and comments are valuable to us. Let us know what you think by sending us your feedback by email to, or by starting a discussion on the EMC Isilon Community.


About the Author: Kirsten Gantenbein

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