Michael Shares Healthcare Vision: Information-Driven Care and Innovation

Last week several members of the Dell team including Michael, Verna Chao, David Zirl, Scott Jenkins and me, joined 300 healthcare executives at the Health Evolution Partners Leadership Summit in California to discuss future innovations in healthcare. We heard about new models in primary care and the emerging health super-consumer, and we discussed the emergence of personalized medicine. We also shared Dell’s experiences with the payers, providers and pharmaceutical companies who are using information as a strategic asset to improve care. Healthcare organizations like Saint Barnabas Medical Center, Mount Sinai Hospital and Valley Health are using information technology to reclaim thousands of hours and millions of dollars for patient care.

In the future, we see medical professionals and healthcare organizations using digital data to identify and replicate best care practices, address emerging health trends, improve the efficacy of drugs, and transition from episodic care to prevention and wellness management. As the leading healthcare IT services provider in the world, Dell is working with healthcare organizations to make the benefits of information-enabled healthcare a reality. Michael shared this vision and unique customer insights during a Q&A session with Steve Lohr, New York Times technology reporter.

Click here for highlights from Michael’s conversation with Steve Lohr on Innovation in IT and Healthcare, and let us know what you think about the need to accelerate the use of IT in healthcare.

About the Author: Dr. Jamie Coffin