Locating serial numbers for EMC Isilon nodes

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The serial number for an EMC Isilon X200 node.
The serial number for an EMC Isilon X200 node.

To open a service request for EMC® Isilon® Technical Support, you’ll need to provide a node serial number. You can easily retrieve this information from the back of the node (or the front of A100 nodes), from the OneFS web administration interface, or from the OneFS command-line interface.

For a demonstration of the OneFS web administration or command-line interface procedures, or to see what the serial number for a particular node looks like, watch the following video, “How to Find Serial Numbers for EMC Isilon Nodes.” Or, read the related knowledgebase article, “How to find serial numbers for EMC Isilon nodes,” for a written description of these procedures (requires login to the EMC Online Support site).

If you have questions or feedback about this blog or videos, email isi.knowledge@emc.com. To provide documentation feedback or request new content, email isicontent@emc.com.

[youtube_sc url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWJik8Xp8Sw&list=PLbssOJyyvHuXZ_3JKT5ugbuHPQqZm3e5f&index=18″ title=”How%20to%20Find%20Serial%20Numbers%20for%20EMC%20Isilon%20Nodes”]

Video Transcript

Hello. I’m André Morrissen, a Senior Technical Writer at EMC.

Before you can log a case with EMC Isilon Technical Support, you’ll need to obtain the serial number of the affected nodes.

In this video, we’ll show you how to obtain a serial number from the physical node, using the EMC Isilon OneFS web administration interface, or using the OneFS command-line interface.

First, let’s look at how the format of serial numbers depends on the type of node.

For the current generation of EMC Isilon storage nodes, which include the S200, X200, X400,

NL400, serial numbers begin with the letter “S”, followed by the family code, the chassis code, the generation, and lastly, a ten-digit number.

The following example illustrates a serial number for an X200 node.

The serial number for an A100 performance or backup accelerator node starts with FC61S, followed by 9 digits, as seen in the following example.

For legacy Isilon IQ-Series nodes, the serial number format depends on the age of the node.

For newer IQ-Series 2U nodes with 12 drives and 4U nodes with 36 drives, serial numbers start with a letter that designates the node type:

“A” for accelerator nodes

“D” for EX storage expansion nodes

And “G”, “K”, “M”, or “R” for standard storage nodes

Nine digits follow the letter and the serial number ends with an “L”, as seen in the following example.

Serial numbers for older IQ-Series 2U nodes with 12 drives start with eight digits and end with the letter “S”.

Now let’s look at the three ways to find your node’s serial number.

If you have access to the physical node, the serial number is printed on a sticker.

For most nodes, the sticker is on the back of the node.

For A100 accelerator nodes, first remove the face plate from the front of the node.

Press both latches in simultaneously until they click, then remove the face plate.

Locate the black plastic tab on the top left of the node and slide it out.

The serial number is printed on the blue label.

When you’re done, slide the tab back in and replace the face plate.

First, log in to the OneFS web administration interface.

The Cluster Status page displays by default. If you’re on a different page, you’ll need to navigate there.

If you’re running OneFS 6.5 or earlier, click Status, then click Cluster Status.

If you’re running OneFS 7.0 or 7.1, click Dashboard, Cluster Overview, then click Cluster Status.

We’ll continue this demonstration using OneFS 7.1.

The Status section lists all the nodes in your cluster and their node numbers.

Locate the number for the affected node in the ID column and click it to view the information for that node.

The Node Status tab identifies the serial number along with other information for that node.

First, open an SSH connection on any node in the cluster and log in using the “root” account.

Then, run the following command to display information for all nodes in your cluster: isi_for_array -s isi_hw_status -i

Each line of output starts with the cluster name, followed by the node number. The output is displayed per node in numerical order.

For example, this block of output is for node 3 in the cluster.

Locate the serial number for the affected node.

For a written description of how to find node serial numbers, see the following knowledgebase article.

If you need assistance with this procedure, contact EMC Isilon Technical Support.

Thanks for watching.

About the Author: Kirsten Gantenbein

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