Goodbye Dell World, Hello Dell Technologies World!

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When we launched Dell Technologies we created a unique family of businesses to serve the increasing desire of companies to have a one-stop shop for their digital, IT, workforce and security transformation needs. As the last year and half has unfolded it has become increasingly clear that many of you would also like a one-stop show where you can learn about the strategy, products, technology and know-how required to make transformation real in your business.

So today we’re announcing that Dell World is now… Dell Technologies World!

How much is the show changing? It isn’t so much changing as its getting bigger and better. You’ll still have all the things you loved about Dell World: general sessions, breakouts, hands-on labs, the solutions pavilion, training courses and certifications, and of course… the party. But now you’ll see an increased presence from each of our businesses – Dell, Dell, Pivotal, RSA, SecureWorks, Virtustream and VMware – providing you all the information you’ll need to realize your digital future.

But the evolution doesn’t stop at just Dell Technologies World, after all, not everyone can make it out to Las Vegas for our annual show – that’s why the Dell Forum will now become the Dell Technologies Forum.  The Dell Technologies Forum will be visiting over 60 cities this year starting in May and will expand in scope to cover the full breadth of Dell Technologies.

Now, you may be asking, what about VMworldRSA Conference or Spring One Platform – is anything changing with those shows? The short answer is no – nothing at all.   These shows are huge and over the years have built up a loyal and dedicated following. Our aim for 2018 is simply to continue to grow our audience and deepen the level of content at each.

Let me be the first to invite you to Dell Technologies World. Register here, and I look forward to seeing you in Vegas!

About the Author: Jeremy Burton

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