Dell Partner Program Debuts Today; Designed to be Simple. Predictable. Profitable.

Simple Predictable Profitable
Today is Extraordinary!  Today we officially launched the new Dell Partner Program. I couldn’t be more excited for the opportunities this incredibly innovative Program affords our Partners and customers around the globe, or more proud of the work our teams have done to create something so spectacular.

Throughout this entire journey we have worked closely with our partners to design a program that meets their needs, building on the very best from each legacy program (EMC’s world-class training and predictability, Dell’s flexibility and incentives). We had the absolute luxury of creating a remarkable team of experienced Channel-centric leaders.  We had the complete backing of the full Dell leadership team, from Michael to each one of his direct reports.   This has truly been a journey in every sense of the word. Many miles have been travelled, many challenges faced, many exhilarations along the way.

Well here we are. Today’s the day. The Program is live. Partners are already getting trained, enabled,  and yes, very excited. We’re right there with you. For Dell, for Partners, it’s time to execute on behalf of our customers. Time to deliver on our promise to each other to seize every sale by being aggressive, creative and passionate.

As excited as we are, we know today is only the starting line.  A lot of energy and effort has gone into getting us this far, but it’s not time to relax.  Anything but.  Now the focus turns to execution and ensuring each and every one of our partners understand the new program and how they can be successful in it.

Dell Partner Program

Time to go big and win big.

The Dell Partner Program has three core tenets: Simple. Predictable. Profitable.TM These tenets are our commitment to Partners, and you better believe we’ll deliver. Today, I’m going to go a bit deeper on Simple – why it’s important and how we’re bringing it forward in our Program design. I’ll talk about Predictable and Profitable in later posts. So stay with us.


Bringing together two well-established Channel organizations can be daunting. Teams, systems and cultures need to come together and mesh. And in the case of gearing up for this Program launch, quickly.

Since Dell and EMC came together in September – a mere five months ago – our Channel organization has done a great job of not just bringing together two strong Partner Programs, but more amazingly, creating something really incredible as a result.

We heard you, our Partners and customers, loud and clear.  You want a program that removes the cost and friction from the selling motion.  One that’s simple to understand and easy to do business with.  We have kept this feedback front and center as we built the program.

Here are a few key examples of how we have made the Dell program simple:

  • We have one unified partner program – The Dell Partner Program
  • The program operates on an annual calendar and won’t change quarterly. Partners can plan their investments and business knowing the rules for the next 12-months.
  • We automated the rebate process – this is huge – so partners will know every week what they have earned.
  • We have one Deal Registration site for the full Dell Partner Program.
  • We created a single partner portal (with single sign on) where partners can find all the details on the new program, training, certification….. and access to automated rebates and Deal registration. We’ll have a separate post on the unified partner portal when it launches in the coming weeks.

The Dell Partner Program delivers all of this. And more.

We need to be easy to work with, so you’ll do more business with us. The Program needs to be clear and transparent, so you know what’s expected and how you can earn rewards. The brand needs to make sense for our newly combined company, so you can leverage our brand cache to your advantage.

We get it. We listened. I hope you agree: this new Program is simple so you can get on with your business and know exactly where you stand. Simple… simply matters.

Simple is one part of our commitment to Partners. Stay tuned on this blog for my upcoming posts on Predictable … and my personal favorite, Profitable.

Let us know how we’re doing in the comments section below.

About the Author: John Byrne