Dell Maintains ‘Commanding Market Share Lead’ in HPC Storage

A new report from Intersect360 Research says Dell maintains a commanding market share lead in high-performance storage and is also the leader in total HPC solutions revenue.

The worldwide HPC storage market continues to grow, and once again Dell is maintaining a significant market-share lead, according to a new report from Intersect360 Research.[1]

“The HPC storage category grew to approximately $5.7 billion worldwide in 2018, up 1.0% from 2017,” Intersect 360 Research notes. “Dell maintained a commanding market share lead, with above-average revenue growth.”

Intersect360 Research defines HPC as the use of servers, clusters, and supercomputers — plus associated software, tools, components, storage, and services — for scientific, engineering, or analytical tasks that are particularly intensive in computation, memory usage or data management. The Dell portfolio covers that entire spectrum of hardware, software and services for organizations that rely on HPC systems.

In terms of the broader HPC market, Dell continues to lead the category for combined HPC server and storage share. In addition, Dell is closing in on HPE for the top spot in the HPC server market, and Dell is the leader in total HPC solutions revenue, according to Intersect360 Research.[2]

“HPE held the number-one position for HPC server revenue for the sixth straight year, but its gap over number-two Dell has narrowed to a thin margin,” Intersect360 Research reports. “Dell also has the number-one revenue share position for storage for HPC applications, ahead of number-two NetApp. Counting all products and services, Dell is the leader in total HPC solutions revenue.”

Findings like these suggest that Dell is ideally positioned to serve as a trusted partner for the design, development and deployment of leading-edge HPC systems. That’s a point that Thierry Pellegrino, vice president of HPC at Dell, underscores in a recent news release.

“Organizations are increasingly using HPC and AI technology as tools to gain greater insight and value from their data,” Thierry says. “Getting started and using these technologies can be complex, so we’re focused on making it simpler for organizations of all sizes. We’ve engineered Dell Ready Solutions as tested and validated configurations that help our customers more easily and quickly benefit from HPC and AI technologies to reach their ultimate goals.”[3]

Key takeaways

Intersect360 Research determined:

  • Dell maintains a commanding market share lead in HPC storage.
  • Dell leads the category for combined HPC server and storage market share.
  • Dell is the leader in total HPC solutions revenue.

To learn more

[1] Intersect360 Research, “Worldwide High Performance Computing 2018 Total Market Model: Storage Revenue Shares,” May 29, 2019

[2] Intersect360 Research, “Intersect360 Research Releases Latest HPC Worldwide Market Numbers,” June 7, 2019

[3] Dell Technologies, “Dell Technologies Simplifies Customers’ Path to Innovation with AI and High Performance Computing,” June 17, 2019

About the Author: Janet Morss

Janet Morss previously worked at Dell Technologies, specializing in  machine learning (ML) and high performance computing (HPC) product marketing.