Bolstering Cloud Strategies With Cloud Caffeine

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Cloud is synonymous with the age of digital services. Cloud stands for the delivery of applications and data which are core enablers for every organization. I have remained curious about applications and software development since studying for my Masters of Science in Software Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. This may be the most exciting period yet for our industry!

The pace of innovation continues to accelerate. In order to thrive and grow organizations must adopt a modern applications approach– one that is architected to support change and deliver reliable services in a multi-cloud world. The modern applications approach is a combination of new software architectures and operational practices. The old way of operating was with Waterfall development and ITIL change management processes. The new way is with Agile and DevOps featuring rapid iteration which produces quick benefits with IT ops teams that are involved throughout the development and delivery lifecycle.

Cloud-native is enabled by new software architectures. Traditional applications architectures are monolithic and while virtualization has increased efficiency, the underlying inflexibility has hampered innovation. In the new architectural pattern, an application is created through a set of independent services accessible through APIs called microservices. They’re typically deployed in containers which can be updated and scaled individually greatly speeding delivery and updating of application functionality.

At Dell Technologies we’re working with lots of organizations to help them plan and implement their cloud strategy. Cloud Caffeine is a discussion of cloud-related topics from Dell Technologies. This is one way we’re sharing our experiences to help organizations take advantage of all the powerful technology available today. So grab a cup of your favorite beverage and join the discussion with Cloud Caffeine!

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Bob Ganley

About the Author: Bob Ganley

Bob Ganley works for Dell Technologies where he is responsible for Modern Applications Solutions including Kubernetes and DevOps automation tooling. Bob started as a software engineer and has worked in the evolving ecosystem of enterprise IT architectures from mainframes to distributed systems and application frameworks. That background gives him a unique perspective centered on enabling human progress with technology solutions that help organizations deliver compelling services with applications and data.
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