Are We Having Fun Yet? Heck Yeah!

Today, Jeff
says we need to post more frequently, and I agree with him.  There’s a reason why we’ve been quiet—Dell one2one’s
first four days have been a wild ride.

The more than 140 blog posts on one2one have been a healthy mix of positive,
and neutral.  Some comments have been long, and some brief—we
appreciate them all.  I’ve been working some
long hours to sort through thousands of comments and e-mails sent by 23,000 one2one
visitors in the last 72 hours (a lot of people wanted to know these numbers so
there they are).

It takes
time to analyze all this, but one popular theme is this: Is Dell
listening?  The answer is absolutely—we listen to what our customers tell us directly through our own channels
and we listen to what they say about us in the blogosphere.  Let me give you some facts:

Last quarter, there were more than 400 million visits to  On a daily basis, we take
more than 150,000 calls, process thousands of e-mails and engage in thousands
of chat sessions.  It all adds up to
millions of customers per week.  Beyond that,
in May, we started reaching out to customers in the blogosphere (which will be a
future one2one topic).  Bottom line, there’s
a lot of listening going on at Dell.

of you want to know more about what we’re doing to improve customer
  I tracked down someone who
thinks about t
his 24/
7 – Laura Bosworth. 
You’d think someone in her role would be pretty stressed, but she

loves taking on big challenges and her job at Dell.  She’s going to post here in just a bit.

About the Author: Lionel Menchaca