Electronics Recycling Update

The Dell Asset Recovery Services team is in Atlanta today and tomorrow for E-Scrap 2007, an international conference highlighting the latest e-recycling trends and policies.

Earlier today, I had the opportunity to moderate a panel that explored market conditions and factors across the globe, with a specific focus on how emerging trends will impact end-of-life management of electronics in the United States and elsewhere. Among the key themes discussed was the need for manufacturers to offer convenient recycling programs, something Dell has embraced for several years.

Today, we are the only manufacturer to offer free recycling services for our own branded computer equipment worldwide without requiring new product purchases. You may remember that Michael has been publicly challenging others in the industry to join us in this effort.

Environmental benchmarks and goals are a longstanding cornerstone of our business. We reported the recovery of more than 78 million pounds (nearly 40,000 tons) of unwanted information-technology equipment from customers in 2006, a 93 percent increase over 2005 and 12.4 percent of the equipment we sold seven years earlier (more than any other manufacturer that reports recovery progress by past sales weight). This puts us ahead of schedule to achieve our goal of recovering 275 million pounds of equipment by 2009.

Last month, we simplified recycling for small businesses with an online service that enables customers with fewer than 10 pieces of computer equipment to easily manage, return and track unwanted assets. If you haven’t done so already, I encourage you to check out the video overview at StudioDell.

Our customers are our most important partner in our efforts to protect the environment. From energy efficiency, to climate stewardship to reuse and recycling, we’ll be sure to keep you posted on our commitment to become the “greenest” technology company on Earth.

In the meantime, feel free to share your thoughts and environmentally-focused ideas on ways we can continue to enhance our partnership for a cleaner environment.

About the Author: Joe Strathmann