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PowerEdge UEFI Secure Boot Customization

Strengthen your server infrastructure’s resiliency and protect against boot-related exploits today and in the future.

PowerEdge UEFI Secure Boot Customization enables the most secure IT organizations to secure their server boot process. You select the certificates required to secure elements of the boot process, reducing the dependency on 3rd party certificates which have presented multiple vulnerabilities in the past.

Address Emerging Server Hardware Security Threats Head On

  • Reduce your dependency on 3rd party certificate authorities for your most secure workloads
  • Limit the impact of 3rd party certificate compromises or mistakes
  • Limit downtime with faster response to security alerts

Secure Your Servers from Hardware-based Cyberattacks

The threat landscape for IT operations is rapidly changing. While application and operating system compromises often get the most attention, hardware-based intrusion is becoming more widespread. A successful hardware hack, commandeering critical firmware components, avoids basic malware detection and surrenders unrestricted access to system operations, data, and network communications. Dell has a comprehensive approach to securing the server hardware. UEFI Secure Boot with Customization is a recognized part of the solution for the most secure server environments.

Built to enable comprehensive server security and customer-defined trusted hardware elements

With UEFI, server security is strengthened by more granular inspection of the credentials for every element employed to boot the server. This covers firmware and the OS bootloader - lynchpin boot elements that can be critical targets for cyberattacks.

The addition of customized certificates enables boot security to be more closely managed by your server/security teams while limiting the dependency on publicly distributed certificates. While this approach requires some additional planning and work, it provides higher security for environments that cannot depend on generic safeguards.

Dell Leads the Way in Delivering Modern Server Security

Dell provides comprehensive security for IT operations across all products and solutions. For the PowerEdge line of servers, that security begins with product design, through the global Supply Chain Security program, and extends to the data center using technology like UEFI Secure Boot with Customization. All together, these programs and technologies ensure that PowerEdge servers are secure at deployment and throughout their lifecycle.

Start with these essential security resources

PowerEdge UEFI Secure Boot Customization Solution Brief

Review the features in the solution brief

Cyber Resilient Security in PowerEdge Servers

PowerEdge servers deliver a chain of trust and combine it with comprehensive management tools to provide robust layers of security across hardware and firmware

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