PowerEdge Interviews: Meet the Team Behind the Tech

One of the best things about Dell World is the opportunity to meet the people who shape our technology. From engineers and hardware designers to product leads and partners, everyone’s eager to share their work and their excitement — and with the announcement of the new generation of PowerEdge servers, they all had a lot to talk about this year.

With a film crew in tow, we caught up with some of the great minds behind PowerEdge to hear their stories and find out more about the customer input that drove this new tech. We wanted to know what makes PowerEdge the bedrock of the modern data center; how it addresses challenges in security, scalability, and automation. And most of all, where’s all of this innovation headed?

Dell World Live stage at Dell World 2017

Mukund Khatri on security

Safety is at the forefront of our customers’ minds now more than ever, so we met with our Senior Distinguished Engineer, Mukund Khatri to learn how we’re integrating it from design to production and beyond. Starting with locking down security at the motherboard level, Mukund shared the breakthrough methods we’re taking to ensure security is baked in from end to end.


Check out the rest of our interview with Mukund to learn more about how we’re tackling modern security challenges.

Juan Vega on scalability

Building an infrastructure designed for modern workloads and the cloud is a daunting task. As we learned from our PowerEdge product expert, Juan Vega, one of the ways we’ve providing customers with an extra layer of future proofing is through ScaleIO Ready Nodes.


Learn more about ScaleIO innovation in our extended interview with Juan.

Kevin Noreen on intelligent automation

As the data center evolves and complexity creeps in, powerful management and automation tools have grown from luxury to necessity. We talked with senior director, Kevin Noreen, on the simplified configuration aspects of PowerEdge, and what he calls the “Rack, Stack & Relax” approach to deployment.


Take a look at our full interview with Kevin for a deeper dive on the next-level security and management features of the new generation of PowerEdge. 

Ravi Pendekanti and Lisa Spelman on the future

The future of PowerEdge extends far beyond the data center into areas of computing and automation that we can only begin to imagine. We asked PowerEdge VP, Ravi Pendekanti and Intel VP & GM, Lisa Spelman for their take on where we’re headed, and the role of PowerEdge in unlocking the human potential.


Check out our extended interview with Ravi and Lisa for more on the future of innovation, customer-driven design, and Dell and Intel’s forward-thinking partnership.

And, for a deeper dive and additional interviews with other members of the PowerEdge team, be sure to follow @DellServers.

About the Author: Jeremy Erwin