OpenChorus Project: The Dawn of The Data Science Movement

OpenChorus Project is the first real attempt to help companies succeed with Big Data. How? We all know that the barrier to success has been a lack of available data science talent and the tools needed to address Big Data analytic challenges. Open sourcing Greenplum Chorus is an attempt to rapidly grow the data science community by giving them a rich analytic platform to easily gain insight, grow and share their skills, and ultimately deliver value with Big Data projects.

Partners, startups, and even individual developers can download the source code and deliver new Chorus-integrated Big Data applications and tools needed for the diverse requirements across industries and business functions. For example, the release of Greenplum Chorus 2.2 at the end of this quarter will include valuable contributions from partners Gnip, Tableau, and Kaggle, enabling Data Scientists to correlate Twitter data into their analysis, leverage advanced Tableau visualizations, and gain access to Kaggle expert Data Scientists.
Check out the interview with Logan Lee, Director of Product Management at Greenplum, about the company’s reasons for releasing the Chorus code and the types of contributions that are expected to create a much needed Data Science movement.

About the Author: Mona Patel