Interop 2011 – Quick Impressions of day one

This year’s Interop in Las Vegas is driving me crazy! In the past I would come out, have lots of meetings, see cool new technologies, interact with co-workers, and meet interesting people. Nothing has changed this year. What has changed is in the past I could do all those cool Interop activities then go enjoy Las Vegas a little bit – a touch of gaming, a few drinks, some hanging out with friends, etc. This year the show is too intense with many great new technologies, people, contacts, ideas, and the all the promotion I’m doing for the new OEM XL Program.

Check out my twitter activity to get a good idea of some of the cool solutions companies are showing at the show. I have seen a large number of storage solutions vendors, a huge growth in cloud services, and an abundance of IP accelerators and enhancers – so much to learn, so little time. I have also met with people from several companies including our own partners and those eager to work with Dell OEM Solutions on their product offerings. This is a good time.

Below is a photo of most of the Dell folk manning out booth. I am impressed with the number of people we have onsite to speak with anyone interested in learning more about Dell.

To my surprise, I was handed a microphone and told to talk. I was giddy with excitement, but then I was told to keep it under 5 minutes. It was difficult to comprehend how I could compress my 4 session 16 hour advanced study on the rise of Dell OEM Solutions into 5 minutes, but I managed to get something moderately logical into the 5 minutes allotted to me.

Please follow me on Twitter to receive real-time updates and check back here for more from Interop 2011. I’d love to hear in the comments what you are enjoying at Interop.  If you couldn’t attend, feel free to comment on topics areas you would like me to discussion from the event.

About the Author: Franklin Flint