Dell OEM Solutions custom shop Winter 2011 update: Part 1

I recently spent a week in Las Vegas, Nevada, to meet with a large group of field-based employees from Dell’s OEM Solutions Group. Late one afternoon I participated in a small Expo showing and demonstrating the capabilities of our fun organization. As I escaped my spot in the corner of the room to grab a drink just prior to the planned event, some very interesting new custom projects on display caught my eye. So, as any good technology evangelist would do, I whipped out my little digital video recorder and asked the Dell Engineer responsible for the demo area to tell me about those projects.

This is the first of four videos from that event. In this installment Ric McKinney, Sr. Engineer for OEM Product Development in the OEM Solutions Group, tells us about the work his team performed for a customer to slightly ruggedize Dell’s top end PowerEdge M1000e Blade Enclosure.

What I found fascinating was the eagerness with which our custom engineering group developed, tested, and released this custom solution on a platform we had not yet customized. It was a totally new project with a product different from anything they had worked on before. The OEM engineering team received the specifications from our customer, performed the modifications, got approvals from the customer, and performed the tests and support requirements to deliver that solution to our OEM customer. I love seeing this stuff!

Watch this space for the next three videos with Ric, our intrepid Product Engineer.

If you have any questions or comments about this process, please let us know by responding below, or visit our website and fill out an engagement form to have a representative contact you.

About the Author: Franklin Flint