Breakfast with ECS: Most Wanted Cloud Storage Feature Series – Part 2: Multi-Purpose

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BreakfastWelcome to another edition of Breakfast with ECS, a series where we take a look at issues related to cloud storage and ECS (Elastic Cloud Storage), EMC’s cloud-scale object storage platform.

Hello folks!

Glad to have you back to this educational journey of Elastic Cloud Storage (ECS) features.

In the previous blog of this series, you learned the market trend and why Elastic Cloud Storage (ECS) is one storage solution that can cater to all of your needs. From this blog, you’ll learn more about the specific features that make ECS so awesome.

As traditional systems capture and store data based on data type, they have to manage different silos of data. While they give you consistency and speed, trying to manage these pools of data is like facilitating a conversation where no one speaks the same language. It’s a path to some serious complexity.

So, here we are! ECS is the one single shared storage that supports billions of files of all types and talks multiple “languages”, such as Amazon S3, OpenStack Swift, HDFS and NFS.

Check out today’s video below to learn more about ECS’ multi-purpose capabilities.

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ECS is not only designed for multi-purpose, it is also “smart”. Check back for the upcoming blog introducing ECS’ smart features.

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About the Author: Diana Gao

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