They’re not rules, more like guidelines I’d say

We’ve had a fun week here on IdeaStorm, so
just as a friendly reminder, we are posting the principles for the community.

Guiding Principles:

  • Be civil – Civil and
    constructive dialogue is expected from everyone involved in the ideas
    and commentaries. We’ll remove anything that is inappropriate,
    inaccurate, profane or defamatory. Needless to say, spam will not be
    tolerated. The site will be moderated by the community – users can and
    should flag any inappropriate materials and notify Dell for removal.
  • Be relevant –
    IdeaStorm is dedicated to the discussion of ideas and improvements
    related to Dell products and services and related technology. That does
    not mean any topic or issue related to Dell. IdeaStorm is not the
    appropriate channel to seek technical support or inquire about an order.
    Dell provides a number of online channels for customers to share views,
    learn how to use our products, or seek resolution on a service issue –
    please make sure you use the channel that suits your needs.
  • Be yourself – The goal
    of IdeaStorm is to encourage the sharing and discussion of individual
    ideas, comments and solutions. We hope you will contribute your own
    ideas and comments. Please, no pitching for commercial interests.
  • Be interesting –
    Ultimately, the value of this site is in the ideas presented and the
    level of discourse. All users should foster a creative and valuable
    exchange of ideas.
  • Be honest and ethical
    – Users should follow basic legal restrictions just as they should on
    any other Web site – for example, not infringing on any patent or
    copyright or sharing any confidential information. Read more about this
    in the IdeaStorm
    Terms of Service

About the Author: Kara Krautter