Expanding the IdeaStorm Conversation

IdeaStorm has evolved significantly since the site launched back in February, and today we continue to have a dedicated and innovative community. In the past 9 months, the IdeaStorm community has debated a number of issues related to the moderation and management of the site. This debate made us aware of several things that should evolve to meet the community’s needs.

For example, after a new community member registered, we didn’t give much direction on how to use the site. So, the community drafted a “tip section” for the site. Well, we got the hint. Now there is a new About page where new and veteran IdeaStorm community members can find tips on how to use the site and answers to FAQs. And, several of the topics addressed in previous moderator updates now live on the About page.

The community has suggested that we inform them when there are updates to the site’s features and functionalities, so we’ll use this blog for that purpose. Also, the blog will serve as the primary way for the community to communicate with me and Caroline Dietz, the IdeaStorm Manager, and provide a more interactive Moderator Update system to get your feedback.

Our commitment to the community today is the same as it was when we launched—we’re listening to the top ideas and working to implement them for you. As a reminder, below are the commitments we made to the community when we launched IdeaStorm on February 14, 2007. I encourage you to re-read them (if you are a veteran IdeaStormer) or read them for the first time now. And, in the spirit of direct open conversations, let us know what you think of our new blog!

Our Commitments

  • Moderation – To foster a real-time and free-flowing discussion, comments will not be actively moderated by Dell. The site will be moderated by the community, and users can and should flag any materials that don’t fit the site guidelines. The site manager also will retroactively remove postings that violate the rules of engagement. We will do our best to respond to comments – where appropriate – in a reasonable timeframe. We expect users to provide their own input and responses, as this site is a forum for ideas and is not designed for Q&A with Dell or responses to specific customer questions.
  • Topics – We will not hesitate to address tough issues or challenging topics, but will do so in a measured, thoughtful fashion. There are some topics, however, that are not appropriate for the IdeaStorm forum and will not be maintained on the site – political issues, sensitive financial matters and topics unrelated to our business and industry, for example.
  • Due Diligence – We will consider the most popular ideas, as selected by users, and review the suggestions for their business potential and viability.
  • Updates – We will update users on the status of the most popular ideas and any product or business developments linked to user ideas and comments.
  • Conduct – Our corporate values and policies will guide what we say – and how we say it. In line with our Dell Code of Conduct, we are committed to acting in a professional, transparent, accurate and ethical manner in all situations – with our customers, business partners and neighbors. Dell also subscribes to the Code of Ethics of the Word of Mouth Marketing Association. All comments and interactions on IdeaStorm by Dell representatives will follow these guidelines, and Dell has the discretion to remove posts by others that are not in line with these guidelines.
  • Privacy – We are committed to the confidentiality of personal information, and your privacy will be respected. Information collected for registration will remain strictly confidential.

About the Author: Kara Krautter