Transforming the Workplace

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Workforce Transformation is one of the four key ‘Transformative’ messages that Dell is taking to market, along with Digital Transformation, IT Transformation and Security Transformation. So it’s key that you, our valued partner, understand our messaging and are able to benefit from the marketing associated with it.

The workplace is changing; gone are the days of IT decision makers being solely responsible for determining what technology their organization needs and uses. As technology evolves at a rapid pace, so too do the multiple stakeholders who demand to have a say in how and where they work.

workforce transformation

As your customers’ chosen partner, you now need to engage not just with their IT teams, but you need to understand the pressures that those IT teams are getting from the functional units within the business to maximize the productivity of their employees.

Through a comprehensive worldwide study, Dell identified four key organizational personas:

Desk-Centric Employees: Use a desktop PC and spend 50% of their time at their desk.

Corridor Warriors: Spend more than 50% of their time away from their office desk and require suitable equipment to meet their needs.

On-The-Go Pros: Work outside of the office more than 50% of the time, as they often travel to offsite meetings or work remotely from a home office.

Remote Workers: Predominantly work from a home office but can work at other remote locations, such as when they’re with customers or visiting regional offices.

workforce transformation

We understand that sales teams are pressured and if a customer is calling asking for a single product, the easiest thing to do is just take the order. But a few simple questions about what their needs are, based on who they’re purchasing for, can increase the benefit provided to the customer and the sales for your organization.

To help you do this, we’ve created a simple checklist for your sales teams to be able to use to help guide them through the evolving conversations between the functional and IT teams, and the key technology each of these persona’s needs. You can download the checklist below.

Let’s also not forget the huge potential technology has to attract, empower and retain employees. Dell’s unique approach to Workforce Transformation is the ideal choice when it comes to delivering the right tools to the right people at the right time. We’ll take care of the solutions, so you can take care of your customers.

Take advantage of Dell Workforce Transformation messaging with these great resources:

  • Help your teams understand about Workforce Transformation by reading the Future Workforce Study
  • Enable them to utilize the Workforce Transformation checklist to have the conversation with customers
  • Deploy the email and social content to your customers and utilize the video and web banners on your website
  • Bring this to life with the event kits

All this content is available on Campaign Builder here.

But we know that you also have a need for transactional activity, so we’ve linked our key campaign messaging into targeted product messaging available here.

If you don’t have access to Campaign Builder, please email the following regional teams:

We also have these transactional assets available on the Digital Marketing Platform, so that you can deploy the email and social content directly to your customers from the tool.

If you don’t have access to the Digital Marketing Platform, please register here.

*Source: Dell Future Workplace Study 2016, to view the detailed report visit:

About the Author: Dell Technologies

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