The Results Are In: Economic Impact of Application Portfolio Optimization (Infographic)

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Organizations are looking for ways to drive out cost, better manage their application portfolio and enable the business through digital and IT transformation. Dell commissioned Forrester Research, to independently survey customers to develop an unbiased report on the business and economic benefits that customers using Dell’s application portfolio optimization (APO) services realized after the engagements were completed. The resulting report – “The Total Economic ImpactTM of Dell Application Portfolio Optimization” provides readers with a framework to evaluate the potential financial impact of APO services on their organizations. Forrester interviewed and surveyed several customers with experience using Dell’s APO services.

Source: Abridged version of a case study commissioned by Dell, The Total Economic Impact of Dell Application Portfolio Optimization, November 2018

If you are interested in reading more, check out ‘The Results Are In: Learn the Dollars and Sense of Optimizing Your Application Portfolio‘.

About the Author: Chip Kalfaian

Chip Kalfaian has 30+ years of hands-on application development and IT leadership experience. Here at Dell Technologies, he leads the Application Portfolio Optimization practice globally and is responsible for developing solutions. Chip focuses on designing solutions that enable customers to decrease the cost and complexity associated with legacy portfolios, while increasing speed and agility in order to enable the business. He believes the challenge of portfolio modernization is to look for small, impactful wins in the near term, while implementing longer-term strategic transformation. Deployment methods draw from processes and technologies that enable rapid assessment of applications and infrastructure and that are implemented through short iterations. This is all harnessed to drive positive business results faster.
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