Submit Your Best Artificial Intelligence Ideas to Dell AI Challenge

[UPDATE 6/25/18]

Congratulations to the finalists!

We are pleased to announce our two finalists for the first-ever Dell AI Challenge:

  • Cognitive Scale – AI-based Patient Scheduling Advisor
  • University of Florida – A Heterogeneous Computing System POC for High Energy Physics

We are very excited for them and wish them the very best as they leverage the powerful HPC cluster to showcase their innovative ideas.

The winner of the Dell AI Challenge will be announced on November 12 at Super Computing  2018.

Itching to solve a technical or business problem using artificial intelligence (AI) technologies like machine learning and deep learning? The Dell AI Challenge is your chance to get noticed—and maybe even get your innovation off the ground through the Dell Global Solution Center.

Abstracts and proposals will be accepted through May 31, 2018, and will be reviewed according to the following three criteria:

  1. Most innovative use of AI technology
  2. Biggest economic or social impact
  3. Highest potential for commercialization

After careful consideration by a panel of experts—including Michael Jones, senior director of Strategy at Halliburton; Matt Hall, CEO & founder of Agile Scientific; and Matt Grover, principal technical architect at Walmart—five finalists will be selected between June 24 and June 26, 2018. All five finalists will receive exclusive remote access to a Dell HPC and AI Innovation Lab cluster, powered by a Dell PowerEdge servers that include C4140, to prove out their ideas.

At the end of September each of the five finalists will complete their testing and prepare a presentation for the judges describing their hypothesis, results achieved, what they learned and what the next steps are.  Following a final round of judging, two awards will be made on November 12 at SC18

  1. The Dell AI Innovation Award will go the entry that demonstrated the highest overall levels of innovation, economic or social impact and commercial potential. The winner will receive 200K core-hour access to a Dell Top 500 Supercomputer and a guest blog on the Dell HPC website, in addition to a spotlight in Dell’s booth at the SC Conference.
  2. The Global Industries AI Innovation Award will go to the entry that demonstrates the highest commercial potential in one of Dell’s six global industries—energy, healthcare, video surveillance, automotive, financial services, and manufacturing. The winner of this award will receive a route to commercialization and/or joint go-to-market plan developed jointly with the Dell Global Industries Group, access to Dell Labs for solution testing and validation and will be a featured solution at a relevant industry conference or event.

To enter and get more information about the Dell AI Challenge, please visit

We’re looking forward to helping you bring your innovative ideas one step closer to reality.

Sponsor: Dell Marketing, L.P., One Dell Way, Round Rock, TX 78682.

About the Author: CK Kumar

C.K. Kumar is a Marketing and Strategy professional who has spent over 20 years in technology and marketing roles at both startups and large companies. He is passionate about marketing, entrepreneurs and in his non-existent spare time, he helps start-ups and small businesses in their marketing and business strategy. He is currently in Edge Solutions Marketing and working on multiple cross-functional initiatives to increase awareness of Dell Technologies Edge Solutions and help accelerate adoption within key target markets. He has an MBA from the Stern School of Business at NYU and lives in Austin with his wife and one certifiably insane dog.