Software-Defined Storage and the Protection Continuum


Second Machine Age. Internet of Things. Social Network of Machines. Third Platform. Software-Defined Data Center. Buzzwords? Absolutely. But the noise isn’t just hype – it’s the sound of the construction of a new technical world.

In this blog series, we discussed how The Second Machine Age will transform consumers’ relationship with technology with the new Social Network of Machines. Now, we are looking at how IT’s value will evolve to become even more focused on trust, especially data protection.

There is one technological constant: our insatiable appetite for more – more compute power, more network bandwidth, and more storage capacity. As every person and device generates data that companies and governments yearn to analyze, our current notion of “unthinkably large” will become laughably small. Just as the need for “more” drove the shift from mainframe to client-server, it is driving the move to the Third Platform, where information is always connected and always available.

Already, the Third Platform has already changed the IT landscape. A highly interconnected (social) and location-aware (mobile) pool of compute and storage (cloud), the Third Platform enables next-generation applications to address a new scale and type of information (big data).

Continue reading the post on our sister site Reflections.

About the Author: Stephen Manley