The Perfect Holiday Cookie

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What makes the perfect holiday cookie? Is it the combination of ingredients, or the manner in which they are mixed and baked? A recipe incorporates both of these things- yet data-protection-solution-holiday-cookies
the success of one without the other is never enough. Even with the main ingredients- flour, sugar, eggs-, a forgotten touch of salt or dash of vanilla leads to tasteless dough. And even if the dough is mixed to perfection, a misread oven temperature can ruin the entire baking process. (By now, you may have guessed that I am speaking from experience. I can’t be the only one who’s committed a baking blunder!) The result of these common mistakes is an imperfect holiday cookie.  Although this may not ruin your Christmas party, it surely isn’t ideal.

Fortunately for you, I won’t be baking any cookies this holiday season. However, I am thinking of mixing it up from a data protection perspective. When I think of the perfect data protection solution, I consider it a combination of both software and hardware products. Not only should data be backed up with the utmost speed, performance, and efficiency, but it should also be securely stored on protection storage you can trust. But like the ingredients of the cookie, there cannot be one without the other. In order to benefit from a complete data protection solution, the greatness of the backup application must be matched by the greatness of the protection storage device, and vice versa. And like the baking process, the data protection products must be handled with care, serviced appropriately, and backed by a company you can rely on.

The benefits of a truly complete data protection solution are unmatched. First, it tightly integrates the backup and recovery software with the protection storage device. This tight integration can lead to impressive results, including industry-leading reductions in network traffic, backup storage required, and backup time. It has been proven that companies have experienced up to 38.2x deduplication rates by implementing the perfect combination of backup application with protection storage. Lastly, studies show that organizations that only work with one data protection vendor have reduced risk of data loss– the average cost of which (over $900,0001!) should be reason enough to consider a single vendor solution.

data-protection-solution-holiday-treeDell delivers complete data protection with the winning combination of Data Domain with the Data Protection Suite Family. Thanks to their tight integration and industry-leading performance, you can rest assured that your data is secure and accessible.

A winning recipe like this will make you the hit of this year’s holiday party- as long as it’s held in a datacenter.

1Dell 2016 Global Data Protection Index II

About the Author: Meredith Soper

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