Clearing Your Clouded Mind

blog1Feeling like your brain is clouded? No, I don’t mean that your ability to think is disabled or that you’re having trouble finding clarity in your thoughts. I mean THE CLOUD- is it on your mind?

As cloud computing continues to break barriers in 2015, it will keep pushing the envelope in business productivity and more importantly, data protection. Businesses backing up to tape (YIKES!) and disk now have a third option to fully consider- the cloud. But which cloud option should you choose to protect your data; public, private, or hybrid? And how do you make this decision?

Existing data protection plans are being challenged by the overwhelming growth and complexity of the data environment. The escalation of data volumes coupled with lessening IT budgets have forced businesses to learn the art of efficiency. Did I mention that companies must do all of this while also upholding regulatory and litigation requirements? The struggle is REAL.

However, with the right service features, proper education, and customer validations, cloud service providers can help solve your greatest IT problems. In this converged world of physical, virtual, and multicloud environments, data is extremely mobile. Whether born on-premises or in the cloud, it can live or move anywhere it’s needed, making access, visibility, and control a moving target for data protection service-level agreements (SLAs) and policies. Cloud data needs to be protected wherever it is, wherever it’s going, and no matter what happens. In a hybrid cloud model, organizations retain many of the capabilities they need, while leveraging the cloud for elasticity and growth.

Which brings me to EmblemHealth; a New York City health insurance company representing 3.5 million members and $10 billion in revenues. Working in a regulated industry with a multitude of requirements, EmblemHealth has a strong focus on speed, flexibility, and compliance. In order to respond to these business demands, the health maintenance organization turned to EMC’s Enterprise Hybrid Cloud solution. With this solution, EmblemHealth’s application developers get the speed and agility they need with brokered public cloud offerings, while sensitive data and critical applications are kept on premise. EMC’s Enterprise Hybrid Cloud solution provided a common, self-service portal allowing EmblemHealth to gain further visibility into their business. The health insurance company realized noticeable improvements for their application development teams where it used to take 6 months to build the infrastructure they needed.

EmblemHealth had a clear mind when they chose EMC Enterprise Hybrid Cloud solution. Don’t take it from me though, watch EmblemHealth’s Director of Infrastructure and Operations, Eric Tomasello, discuss why this health insurer turned to EMC and a hybrid cloud operating model.

About the Author: Meredith Soper