10 Key Business Considerations When Planning Your Microsoft Office 365 Migration Strategy [Infographic]

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Microsoft Office 365 is not just the traditional functionality of the on-premises productivity suite of applications. It’s a whole new suite of cloud services designed to change the way people work. Making the move, however, is not as simple as it may initially seem. Based on my extensive experience, I’ve identified 10 considerations your business should contemplate prior to beginning your Office 365 migration journey.

The infographic below highlights the 10 considerations:

  • Security & Trust
  • Identity Requirements
  • Business Resiliency
  • Network Readiness
  • Migration & Integration
  • Accommodate Exceptions
  • Customization & Third-party Add-ons
  • Management & Support
  • Drive Value with Organizational Cultural Change
  • Microsoft Partners

If you’d like to understand our perspective in more depth, view our new eBook “Planning for Microsoft Office 365 – What to Consider as Part of Your Strategy”.

Office 365 Migration Strategy eBook

Don’t Go It Alone!

Moving to Microsoft Office 365 can help your organization deliver the modern experiences employees have come to expect for achieving new heights in productivity and innovation. And it can help you deliver lower and more predictable IT spending. While there are many dependencies, migrations and integrations to consider as you plan your Office 365 migration strategy, you don’t have to go it alone.

Dell is a Gold Certified Microsoft Partner, so whether you’re just starting or have already begun your Office 365 journey, we’re here to help. Dell has helped customers of all sizes and complexities successfully adopt Office 365 and will bring that breadth of experience to your project. Contact your Dell representative to learn how we can help you.

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About the Author: Ed Woodrick

Ed Woodrick has been with Dell Technologies for over 15 years primarily focused on Microsoft Messaging and Identity services. During this time, he has been involved in every part of the solutioning process from the initial customer meetings all the way until the customer is satisfied. Ed’s focus has lead him to provide guidance and expertise often around Mergers and Acquisition, assisting customers create homogenous environments by integrating messaging and identity systems, the core of an organization’s operations. With the advent of Office 365, Ed has focused on assisting customers make the jump to the cloud as a seamless and expeditious process. While the inclusion of factors such as security and volume of data make this jump seem a “leap of fate” Ed has worked with customers to ease and optimize the transition. In his free time, Ed is heavily involved with Amateur Radio. He can often be found roaming the country providing education on digital radio operations. In the event of an emergency, Ed can be counted on as being there, ready to help.
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