Direct from G2E: Jim Morrow of Aristocrat

This year’s G2E in Las Vegas is nothing short of amazing. What with the loud and flashy show floor, crowds of interesting people, and incredible new technology aimed at the Casino Gaming market, I was gob smacked as I wandered around with wide eyes.

During my visits and many enlightening conversations with leaders of this industry, I managed to get time with Jim Morrow, VP of Strategic Architecture for Aristocrat Technologies Incorporated. During my conversation with Jim, he said something I found quite forward thinking for this industry. I asked him to repeat it on video so I could share it with all of you:

Jim points out what any technology solutions developer ought to realize, that true differentiation comes from the overall user experience, in this case the gaming, interfaces, and such, rather than in the hardware itself once that hardware is basically commoditized.

Thanks, Jim, for the great conversation.

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About the Author: Franklin Flint