Wrapping Up a Winning Week at RSA 2013: Onwards and Upwards

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As we close out on RSA conference, we had several highlights worth mentioning about the end-to-end security offering from Dell. With Dell SonicWALL, Quest, and Dell SecureWorks we laid out our vision for Connected Security, discussing how our ability to embed, detect, protect and respond provides a holistic approach for security. And as we connect our solutions together through logical context awareness, we provide superior security. Dell’s connected security platform offers a single source for world-class solutions.

On Monday, we launched the Dell SonicWALL SuperMassive 9000 Series (see more in Dmitriy's post here), a new next-generation firewall supported by Dell SecureWorks and coupled with Quest’s IAM, broaden the protection barrier to defend, detect and monitor at all possible entry points. SuperMassive was engineered to address the high security and performance demands of carriers and service providers and the new SuperMassive 9000 Series brings that same high level of protection and performance to the enterprise and introduces it in a highly efficient and massively scalable solution.

NSS Labs 2013 Awards

We were recognized by NSS Labs and InfoSecurity  this week. Dell SonicWALL SuperMassive 10800 earned the “Recommend” recognition for the 2013 Next-Generation Firewall Security Value Map from NSS Labs. InfoSecurity  gave us the following:




  • Bring your own Device (BYOD) Security: Dell SonicWALL for Dell SonicWALL Mobile Connect
  • Firewalls: Dell SonicWALL for Dell SonicWALL SuperMassive E10800
  • Integrated Security and Unified Threat Management (UTM): Dell SonicWALL NSA 4500

These industry awards offer clear validation of Dell’s security solutions and clearly illustrate the breadth of our value to our customers. Our goal is to have satisfied customers whose networks are protected, whose data is secure and whose network performance is unimpeded are the greatest reward — and our biggest proponents. Some of those customers joined us at RSA this week and we hope you had the opportunity to speak with them and hear their stories about the benefits of Dell’s security.

Conversations at RSA this week covered a lot of ground: some visitors wanted to know more about the SuperMassive 9000, while others asked about converged security: how the Dell security portfolio melds to give their network world-class protection, yet still maintain superior performance and bandwidth availability. In the end, potential buyers want to know that they’re going to get the best solutions for their investment, with all the features and benefits they need, coupled with world-class support and product development to stay ahead of the ever-changing threat landscape. As our customers, awards and new products clearly demonstrated at this week’s RSA, Dell Security solutions are the answer.     

About the Author: Patrick Sweeney

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