Powerful Data Protection Extended to Multiple Clouds

On April 2, 2019 Dell presented in an external webinar its powerful data protection enhancements with Dell Data Protection appliances, Data Domain and Integrated Data Protection Appliances (IDPA). The announcement of these enhancements that extended to multi-cloud environments was made in February 2019. In this webinar, IDC presented its views and thoughts on the PBBA market and Dell’s leadership position in this market. One of Dell’s customers, GEI Consultants, Inc, expressed their experience and benefits achieved by deploying Dell’s Data Protection solutions.

According to IDC, 92% of organizations have adopted a cloud environment with 64% adopting a multi-cloud approach. With a mix of different clouds, protecting data while meeting compliance and security requirements is a critical challenge for many organizations.

Key highlights of the Dell Data Protection appliances announcement

  • Expansion of leading cloud capabilities
  • Enhanced support for ever-tighter SLAs
  • More choice for mid-size organizations with Data Domain DD3300 and IDPA.

GEI Consultants, Inc., is currently using Data Domain as a target in their backup strategy. Before they implemented Data Domain from Dell, they were seeing backup windows upwards of 48 hours. Once they made the switch to Data Domain, their backup windows decreased to 4 hours! They are now deploying Dell Cloud Disaster Recovery (DR) in their AWS environment. By utilizing Dell Cloud DR, they eliminated the need for a physical disaster recovery site saving them $250,000 annually.

“Cloud DR’s efficient orchestration of resources is magnificent. It automatically chooses the lowest-cost resource option for restores in Amazon EC2.” – Adam Schmitt – Network Operations Supervisor, GEI Consultants, Inc.

It’s okay if you missed the live webinar, you can find the recording here.

Further resources that support our data protection appliance launch can be found below.

Dell data protection appliances launch blog

Video: IDC and Dell backup appliances

Dell data protection appliances infographic

To learn more about Dell Data Protection Appliances, check out the Dell Data Domain home pageDell IDPA homepage, read Data Protection blogs, and follow @DellProtect on Twitter for our latest announcements and content.

About the Author: Shefali Chinni

Shefali is currently responsible for the marketing of the Dell EMC Data Domain portfolio (physical and software-defined with DD VE). She loves to have a better understanding about the customer datacenter and their movement towards the cloud. This interest of hers can be seen in the various product portfolios that she has managed to date in her prior companies – they included marketing of servers, server management software, networking stack (ASIC to routers), SDN, NFV and now data protection. She loves the concept of virtualization and interestingly, has dealt with this technology in all her marketing roles so far.