Considering Outsourcing to an IT Staffing Firm? There’s a Better Option

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Let’s go back in time 20 years to the year is 1997. Music played on CD’s. We ran our businesses on packaged applications. Star Wars Special Edition was released and we experienced an even better version of its magic all over again. And this thing called the internet began to change the way we viewed the world.

Fast forward to today. The internet brings thousands of improvements in just about everything. It enables our businesses and economies to do things we never before thought possible. For many of us, IT becomes the business. And our IT departments become the nexus from which we drive innovation.

The role of IT evolves from support to strategist ─ a major shift. And it doesn’t come without growing pains. IT moves into a business role but we continue to lean on them to manage IT operations, fix problems day-to-day, and drive new technology adoption. But IT simply cannot excel at both.

So what are businesses to do?

As you begin evaluating your options, outsourcing to an IT staffing firm probably comes to mind. They can find people with basic skill sets who can fill in during a staff shortage due to unexpected events. But you’ll likely waste time training a resource that won’t add value to your long-term plan.  Finding the right resource to deal with the size, nature, or complexity of your project can be challenging. And when it comes to your business, do you really want to invest your time and money on someone who is simply filling in?

There’s a better option—hire a Resident, an IT expert who will be an absolute powerhouse when it comes to driving incremental value to your organization. Residents share best practices and relevant use cases to help your team get up to speed on the latest technology. They also help customers optimize configurations, processes, and procedures. This makes a huge impact when it comes to maximizing return on your technology investment. With Residents, there’s no training necessary. In fact, they’ll teach you how to get the most out of your infrastructure capabilities. Residents also give you access to Dell IP, engineering, knowledge databases and tools, and they have specialized expertise across Dell products including Cloud, advanced software, backup and archive. The best part? These experts work under your direction, so you control the business outcome.

About the Author: Kathleen Kimball

Kathy joined Dell EMC as the Global Services Offer Manager for Residency Services. She is excited about the potential for Residency Services to help customers focus on their business while letting the experts at Dell EMC take care of the rest. Kathy brings a breadth of technology services experience to the position. Prior roles include sales and business development, service product management, operations and sales support at multiple computer systems and software companies. Kathy is passionate about serving our customers and truly believes that Dell EMC brings them the best service experts and supporting capabilities in the industry.
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