How Will CIO’s Meet Growing Security Threats


When it comes to protecting enterprise data, CIOs and CSOs are at a crossroads. The complexity and prevalence of security threats continue to grow, bolstered by consumer IT and mobility. The open nature of IT has paved the way for far more sophisticated attacks – beyond conventional credit card data theft to multilevel attacks. Information security executives face perhaps the toughest challenge of their careers.

The business requires and expects total freedom and choice in technology, yet risks come from any number of places: users at their desks, users working from many different mobile devices and unsecured networks, and users downloading applications at will from the Web. Corporate integration with social media sites provides a new path for malware to the network – not to mention privacy risks and even identity theft. Hackers still have many more opportunities to grab enterprise data and are getting smarter by the day. Given the pace of change in our Web-based mobile world, who knows what next month will bring?

In this interactive white paper from CIO Magazine and EMC, learn how tightening the relationship between CIOs and CSOs will help create trust, the foundation of business relationships today. Embedded videos feature Art Coviello (RSA Executive Chairman), Sanjay Mirchandani (EMC CIO), and Dave Martin (EMC CSO), and a quick survey provides benchmarking between CIO peers.
Read the White Paper

About the Author: Dell Technologies