Dell World Highlight: Speaker lineup finalized for OEM CTO Summit

The speaker lineup for the OEM CTO Summit is now complete. The OEM CTO Summit, an exclusive event during Dell World, is an invitation-only event for VPs of Engineering and CTOs of our OEM customers (NDAs required) who will be treated to discussions with Dell’s top thought leaders in various technical subjects. It is the first time I have ever seen so much technology horsepower in a single Dell event.

Here’s a quick look at the speakers:

 Bruce Montag, Distinguished Engineer, Office of CTO

Bruce will talk about mobility trends and how product teams can take advantage of the devices that end users already own. Additionally, he will examine thin-client technology. Thin-client options have improved dramatically over the past few years, but when will it be ready for your product?

 Brent Schroeder, Executive Director, Enterprise Software Technology, Dell Enterprise Office of the CTO

Have you considered deploying parts of your application to the public cloud? Have you considered using a private cloud to host your application? Maybe you are considering a hybrid approach? Brent will explore the realities of managing your application in the cloudand where he is investing to make sure that today’s pains are a thing of the past.

 Steve Luning, VP/Fellow, Networked Storage & Intelligent Data Management, Enterprise Office of the CTO

There was a day when ‘storage’ meant ‘hard disk’. That day ended when industries started realizing that almost all data had some value, and while it wasn’t feasible to keep everything, they didn’t want to throw away anything either! Steve will cover how storage technologieshave emerged to cover the different requirements of data, and how products should consider employing these technologies going forward.

 Robert Hormuth, Director, Server Architecture, Dell Office of the CTO

Servers are changing to match specific workloads by allowing components to be optimized for a specific job. Is your application bound by the speed of the hard disk or the speed of the processor? Robert will talk through the implications of designing for various workloads and how servers will become more manageable and secure.

 Rick Nucci, CTO Dell Boomi

How do you integrate your product into your customers’ environments? How do you allow other companies to integrate your product with their products? With SaaS, the options (and work required) for integration are limitless, and that’s why Boomi was created. Rick will discuss why application integration is complex, how it can be simplified through the right tools and ways to use it to your advantage in your next product release.


 Logan McLeod, Director of Strategy for Public Cloud Services, Dell Office of the CTO

With all the talk about clouds, what exactly does Dell have up its sleeve? Logan is deciding where Dell will play and how Dell’s public cloud portfolio will match your requirements. He will also talk through his outlook for where public cloud will be a serious technology over the next three to five years.

 Matt Wolken, Director Corporate Strategy for Software

A product that is released once a year is very different from a product that evolves every week over a year. Yet, many companies are facing a combination of these approaches as their ordinary products are supplemented by SaaS offerings. For example, today your cell phone is not just a phone, but a navigation device backed up by an ever updating cluster of servers with map, location and business data. According to Matt, this requires not only a change in how you release products, but how design, develop and sell them.


 Jon Ramsey, Executive Director, Counter Threat Unit

How much is your data worth to the dark underworld of organized crime? How much does it cost to get to your data? As part of Dell Secureworks, Jon is an expert at helping make sure that the balance of those two figures works out in your favor. His team of elite security experts is like no other with deep and practical experience, such as working with the FBI to assist in the CoreFlood takedown.


Vikram Pillai, Distinguished Engineer, System Management

Once a product is launched, the fate of the services group has been decided. Did the engineering team make the product easy to inspect remotely? Can faults be logged and relayed to a central system? Or does the customer have to call the manufacturer and begin a manual resolution process. Vikram has spent his career at Dell (and Silverback before the Dell acquisition) creating system management technology, and he will discuss how the technology has evolved, what is possible today and what will be possible a few years from now.

As you can tell, the speakers are a few of the hidden gems within Dell and I’m thrilled that they’ve decided to be part of the OEM CTO Summit.   If you haven’t received an invitation from your account executive and you are a VP level (or CXO) level technology leader within your company, please email us to request an invitation.  Invitations are sent out on a limited basis to make it impactful for attendees and due to the sensitive nature of the conversations.

You can follow Josh Neland on twitter.

About the Author: Josh Neland