What separates AI-Enabled Data Capital Achievers?

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I recently joined the Storage Solutions team at Dell Technologies, which is tasked with marketing for High Value Workloads and Vertical Solutions across our storage portfolio. Our team handles everything from SAP, SQL and Oracle to Healthcare, Life Sciences, Media & Entertainment, Video Surveillance and Advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) – just to highlight a few. All these established solutions areas have important use cases and workloads that drive significant amounts of storage capacity and revenue.

My area of focus is somewhat different and unique on the team: I cover AI/ML/DL as a discrete solution area but also as a horizontal enabling technology ingredient across all vertical solutions. One of my key responsibilities is to showcase how our storage portfolio enables the design and deployment of optimal IT environments for AI initiatives. This is an emerging area, quite dynamic and diverse, made all the more important as our customers look to gain competitive insights and revenue advantages in this Data Decade.

We’ve all heard that “data is the new oil” and therefore one of the most important assets for organizations around the world. But the advantages and importance of this Data Capital are only realized if value can be extracted successfully. In order to effectively harness the power of data, the very backbone of your IT infrastructure needs to be optimized to handle the work. This can be achieved in many ways; however, one thing is certain and urgent – the data keeps coming and it won’t stop. We’re living in a time of unprecedented growth of unstructured data. Organizations are swamped and they need new ways to address this data deluge.

So how do you effectively and efficiently extract the value from data? What are the key ingredients of a modern IT Infrastructure for AI? What’s holding you back? Both Dell and Intel, as IT industry leaders, are tasked with helping our customers answer these important questions as we collectively embark on our journey toward a digital future. To this end, we recently commissioned Enterprise Strategy Group to survey organizations around the world to determine their state of AI readiness. The results are published in this new Research Insights Paper: How Organizations Unlock Their Data Capital with Artificial Intelligence. The analysts were determined to discover what sets organizations apart with respect to their use of AI technologies and the best IT Infrastructure to power these demanding workflows.

A key tenet of the report is that legacy data analytics techniques simply will not work today and that forward-thinking organizations must implement AI into the mix in order to remain competitive. AI has significant advantages compared to traditional analytics, offering speed, scale, impartiality, precision and uptime. The report goes into detail on these facets, as well as the positive revenue and competitive impacts organizations can expect by introducing AI deployed on a modern IT infrastructure, summarized in the graphic below.

Although the results vary across the study’s respondents, it’s clear that no matter where they are in the evolutionary process of applying AI to their data analytics initiatives, the effort will drive significant amounts of incremental revenue.

How does your organization do the same? This highly informative ESG report highlights four key characteristics of Data Capital achievers:

  1. Deployment of high performance and scalable storage. We offer Dell Isilon scale-out NAS, Dell ECS and Dell PowerMax.
  2. Use of hardware accelerated massively parallel compute for optimal AI model training. We offer Dell PowerEdge Servers with Intel Xeon Scalable processors and Intel FPGAs.
  3. Adoption of comprehensive protection for the data pipeline. We offer Dell Data Protection
  4. Enlistment of third parties to augment data science initiatives. We offer Dell Technologies Consulting.

It’s still early days in the use of AI to power data analytics initiatives. Even though, it’s clear from this report that organizations starting now to build out AI enabled modern IT Infrastructures are the ones that stand to gain the most from their nascent investments.

Are you interested in learning more? In addition to this ESG report, we’ve recently commissioned a couple other new research papers in this area. Please check out this report from Moor Insights & Strategy as well as this IDC Technology Spotlight.

Thanks for reading my first blog. I look forward to continuing the conversation in future posts. To contribute to it please connect with me here as well as LinkedIn and Twitter.

About the Author: Mark Orth

Mark Orth is a seasoned veteran of the IT Industry, having spent time in sales, business development and marketing. In his current role on Dell Technologies ISG Solutions Marketing team he contributes solutions marketing and thought leadership content for AI and HPC. Outside of work he spends time playing guitar, riding his motorcycle, hiking and reading. And avidly supporting the newest NHL team, the Seattle Kraken!
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