New Online Support Search: Pilot for Select Countries

At Dell, we are committed to finding ways to continuously improve our customer’s service and support experience. A key element in that process is working in conjunction with our customers to identify and prioritize key process and functionality improvements, particularly with our online support tools & technologies.

Users of our Online Support site execute an average of 650,000 searches per month. 25% of users go directly to Search before they take any other action on the site. It’s clear that Dell Online Support users want to quickly find information and resources that will help them maximize the productivity of their IT infrastructure, optimize product performance, and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

On November 18, 2017, we are piloting a new Online Support Search to users in Australia and Ireland. Users in these countries will notice a slightly different look to their Online Support Search experience as well as some additional enhancements:

  • Faster results – Now, it takes less than 2 seconds for search results to populate. That’s more than 33% faster!
  • Improved filters – Narrowing your result is now simpler with clearer, sequential picklist selections (e.g. Product > Product Family > Product Model).Nov Blog image 1.png
  • New searching behavior – A slight change to the previous search, a space now behaves as a wildcard search (formerly “*”). In addition, the search field will autocomplete frequent recent searches.
  • Expanded content access – with the ‘Search Dell Support’ button, users will now be able to easily navigate between the Dell and Dell support search experience, bringing customers closer to a unified online support experience.Nov Blog image 2.png.jpg

During this pilot, the Dell Online Support Team will actively survey customers and track feedback to continue to refine the Online Support Search experience and determine a timeline to implement the new search to all users globally. Stay tuned!

Please continue to ask questions and provide feedback via the Online Support Site Help and Feedback form.

Stephanie Pirrong

Dell Services Marketing

Follow Us @DellSupport

About the Author: Stephanie Pirrong