I’ll have a side of technology with that…

At Dell, anytime we get the chance to spend a moment with current and prospective customers, we walk away feeling refreshed and excited to continue working on the solutions that will help you achieve your business results faster. So you can imagine we were thrilled to host members of the National Restaurant Association at Dell headquarters here in Round Rock. Boy did we learn a lot from each other! From social media to mobility and big data, we discussed the unique needs of the restaurant industry and how technology can help enable their businesses. Some key takeaways from our afternoon together:

– Consumers are driving one of the largest disruptive technology changes in decades through the consumerization of IT. The proliferation of smartphones, tablets and social media have heightened the importance of anywhere/anytime Internet access

– Wide spread adoption of social media has made consumers particularly akin to restaurateurs that they not only connect with onsite but online as well

Security is top of mind when it comes to mobility solutions – ensuring customer data remains safe and secure even when transmitted wirelessly, is critical to ensuring customers feel comfortable and confident interacting with retailers

– As customer data explodes, big data will emerge front and center as a business enabler, integrating information to prevent siloes and unify customer data across the organization resulting in a better understanding of consumer buying behavior.

Although our afternoon together may have concluded, there’s no reason why the sharing and learning can’t continue. Tell us, what retail trends are top of mind for you?

About the Author: Mike Adams