EMC Isilon + Cisco = The Winning Team for a Big Data Home Run

Maybe it’s because the Mariners season was uh … lackluster, or maybe this year’s TV premieres haven’t quite lived up to their hype. But over the past few weeks, despite being a baseball fan without a hometown team to root for, I’ve found myself tuning into the MLB post-season coverage. I’ve relived my youth, watching double plays and clutch hits and I’m repeatedly impressed by the way a team comes together to pull out the win when big stakes are on the line (except them Yankees.)

Here at EMC Isilon, we’ve been busy preparing to announce some exciting partner news. As I was watching the LCS series, I was struck with the realization – what EMC Isilon delivers with our partners for Big Data customers is exactly what the Brewers, the Tigers, the Rangers (and yes, even the Cards) are doing on the field. It’s the classic winning formula, really. You take the best in each role, make them work seamlessly together and you’ve got a World Series class technology stack.

Although I love talking about Big Data (and banging the drum that we’re the world’s biggest and fastest NAS platform), I know that it’s only through teaming up with industry leaders like Cisco that we can truly help our customers achieve Big Data success. So now it’s time to give credit to where credit is due: Big Networks. That’s why we are so proud to share news from one of our most trusted partners. Today, Cisco has introduced Unified Fabric! With this news, Cisco continues its innovation leadership with the Nexus portfolio by bringing unmatched flexibility, performance and scalability to diverse IT environments. Be it massively scalable data centers, Big Data environments, Cloud-based architectures or bare-metal deployments – Unified Fabric can do it all and all under one network.

At EMC Isilon, we do a lot of Big Data – you already know that – and Big Data requires a Big Network. Some of our most demanding customers leverage Cisco Nexus for high frequency trading and high throughput – and with 40GbE and Hadoop rising in popularity, I expect to see more Isilon/Cisco double- plays in a series near you.

About the Author: Nick Kirsch