Dell OEM Solutions’ customer feedback drives business

If you’re a Dell customer, you likely know that Dell allocates considerable time and resources to proactively soliciting feedback from customers.

Called our Net Promoter Score (NPS), the Dell OEM Solutions team recently finished its most recent customer survey and spent some time assessing the feedback and what it means to our business.

First, for those who aren’t aware of what an NPS score is, let me give a quick overview.  It is a single score that is formulated based on smaller scores (provided by the customer) that correspond to various aspects of your relationship with each customer.  The smaller scores are quite simple to calculate:

Score = # of customers that rate you highly (promoters) – # of customers that rate you moderately or poorly.

Listening to our Customers

Our NPS surveys provide us with both quantitative (outlined above) and qualitative feedback, which we then review and use to directly impact how we do business with specific customers.

One example of this was the recurring request from customers for their sales teams to spend some time diving a bit deeper into the products and services added to Dell’s portfolio over the past two years with such acquisitions as Perot (services) and Compellent (storage) and Kace.

We have already begun providing this additional education and information to many of our customers and will continue to do so over the coming months.

As we continue to develop new ways to fully utilize everything these acquisitions bring to bear, we have been proactively working with customers to help them understand the augmented capabilities we now offer.

Customer assessments also provide additional context on where there are opportunities for all areas of the OEM business from sales and marketing to operations, services and finance to learn more about customer needs and remain nimble in how we do business with them.

While the overall NPS score is a good benchmark of our progress over time, the real benefit comes from having customer-specific, granular-level information we can then leverage for adjustments by region, industry, customer size, hardware needs, etc. and we will continue to assess how we can better serve customers over the coming months and years.

You can follow Josh on twitter (@joshneland).

About the Author: Josh Neland