5 Cloud Computing Trends For 2013

In 2012, cloud computing became a much bigger trend in the business and networking world. IDC have predicted a 130% increase in cloud computing by 2016, meaning an increase to $43 billion. Here are some of the five trends to look out for that are coming in 2013 which are going to help boost cloud computing in the long term;


1.Backup to the public cloud as an extension of virtual infrastructures.

Enterprises have been looking at private cloud solutions as an extension of their virtual infrastructures, where a VMware environment works in concert with a local backup solution, Rosendahl says. But how do you back up your data when it’s sitting in the public cloud, where you aren’t in control of it any more? Addressing this challenge will become more urgent this year, he says, as emerging solutions gain traction.

2.Enterprises Realize That Cloud Computing Means, Well, Cloud Computing

One big realization on the part of enterprise IT groups this year has been that business unit adoption of public cloud computing isn’t going to go away. Many, however, continue to implement internal clouds that are little more than warmed-over virtualization, with the expectation that once the internal offering is available, it will become the default choice of developers

3.Disaster Recovery Using the Cloud

While disaster recovery has always be a part of some companies’ decision to utilize cloud services, there will be more of an emphasis on this type of services in 2013. There are still a handful of options businesses have to put a disaster recovery plan in place, but a cloud computing service is becoming an increasingly affordable option, particularly for small businesses and startups. Cloud services are an easy and quick way to backup company data on a regular basis and still have the added benefit of accessing it from multiple places when needed.

4.More Cloud-Based Development

In 2013, cloud-based development will grow even further. Businesses interested in utilizing the cloud for different types of applications will be looking into how the cloud can be redeveloped for their own particular use. Many organizations will also be looking into how add-ons and additional cloud services can benefit different types of businesses.

These are just some of the trends in the cloud computing industry. As the industry grows, there will be a focus on many other areas of the cloud that will help benefit individual users as well as businesses.


The one hold-back of cloud computing at this moment in time, is the lack of – or perceived lack of – quality in the defense it offers you and your data. Cloud computing however is improving all the time, and there is a continued effort to bring in new clients with more and more companies that provide cloud computing to produce a top quality safety structure. This is essential as cloud computing is all about protection and privacy anyway, so getting this right could really detonate the niche. This is surprising because you would imagine that a software as important as cloud computing would already have top-grade security.

Karthik Badarinath

Online Community Manager

CSS eServices


About the Author: Karthik Badarinath