OpenStack heads into Interstellar Overdrive

One small step for OpenStack, one giant step for mankind!  Ok, that may be taking it a bit far but today there is some exciting news that Dell and Rackspace have announced.  openstackrocket

If OpenStack is new to you it’s the open source cloud platform based off of the Nebula cloud code base donated by NASA (hence all the rocket allusions) and the storage code base from Rackspace.  The project is now about eight months old and its community is over 50 organizations strong including NASA, Citrix, AMD, Intel, NTT,, RightScale, Dell, Opscode and Puppet labs.

(Graphic source: varundev kashimath’s blog)

The News

To help the community and organizations get up and going building out their own OpenStack based clouds we are announcing the following:

  1. Proof of Concepts: Rackspace and Dell are working together to deliver an OpenStack solution to market later this year.  As the first step along the way we are currently seeking customers for OpenStack proofs of concept (POC).  If you are interested in learning more about the POCs and possibly participating or getting engaged, email:
  2. Code: Dell has developed an OpenStack installer that can be used to quickly install OpenStack on bare metal Dell PowerEdge C servers.  This tool is being field tested, and Dell will contribute the code to the OpenStack community once testing is complete.  To help users out further, once the OS is installed, the servers can be updated with all the latest packages and be automatically configured by Opscode’s Chef to provide their services in the OpenStack infrastructure.
  3. Technical whitepaper: A technical whitepaper, “Bootstrapping OpenSource Clouds” which lays out the design of a hyperscale OpenStack cloud on Dell PowerEdge C servers.

But wait, there’s more, “Cloud Builders”…

(Please visit the site to view this video)

To help support OpenStack deployments, Rackspace announced today that its launching  a new division, “Cloud Builders.”  Cloud Builders “will provide training, certification, deployment services and ongoing support and management to enterprises and service providers via the team of OpenStack experts and its partner network.”

Specifically the offerings will include (taken from the Rackspace blog):

  • Training & Certification – Rackspace Cloud Builders will provide training classes and certification testing for designing, developing and administering OpenStack Clouds. Rackspace also plans to empower a network of training and certification experts.
  • Deployment Services – Rackspace Cloud Builders, in conjunction with other experts from the OpenStack community, will help customers design and deploy OpenStack Clouds.
  • Support & Management – Customers will have ongoing access to remote support and escalation assistance from the OpenStack specialists, including proactive monitoring and fixes.

OpenStack is picking up momentum, stay tuned for more and in the meantime, set the controls for the heart of the sun! :)

Extra-credit reading and resources:

Pau for now…

About the Author: Barton George