

此帖子已超过 5 年


2015年12月16日 19:00

专家问答“Pivotal BDS开源大数据套件及解决方案”精华整理

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​专家问答“​​Pivotal BDS​​开源大数据套件及解决方案”精华整理​

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​转载请在文首保留原文出处:​​EMC​​中文支持论坛​​https://community.emc.com/go/chinese​​ ​publish_button_16.ico

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​ 【专家问答​​-Pivotal​​特别版】​​Pivotal BDS​​开源大数据套件及解决方案,讨论和分享有关​​Pivotal BDS​​开源大数据套件及解决方案的话题。本文整理这期专家问答中的精华问题。​

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​Q1​​:​​能不能先给大家介绍一下​​Pivotal BDS​​开源大数据套件中有哪些产品?这些产品的主要功能是什么?​

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​A1​​:​​Pivotal BDS​​包括​​Greenplum Database​​、​​HAWQ​​、​​Gemfire​​、​​Pivotal Hadoop​​。其中:​

​ ​

​1)​​ ​​Greenplum database​​:一个分布式数据库。​

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​2)​​ ​​HAWQ​​:运行在​​Hadoop​​上的数据库,可以直接执行标准​​SQL​​。​

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​3)​​ ​​Gemfire: ​​内存数据库(​​12306​​火车票系统是国内的一个客户)。​

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​4)​​ ​​Pivotal Hadoop​​:外包​​Hortonworks​​的​​Hadoop​​产品,包括开源社区的​​Hadoop​​组件和​​HAWQ​​数据库。​

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​A2​​:​​Greenplum​​数据库和​​HAWQ​​的结构基本上是一样的,​​Greenplum​​数据库在​​PostgreSQL​​基础上二次开发而成,​​HAWQ由Greenplum​​数据库二次开发而来。​​Greenplum ​​数据库和​​HAWQ​​都是一个分布式的数据库,由若干个子数据库组成,子数据库相互协作处理数据。​​Greenplum​​数据库运行在​​Linux​​上,访问常规的文件系统,​​HAWQ​​运行在​​Hadoop​​上,访问​​HDFS​​文件系统。​​GPDB​​应用在传统环境,访问传统的文件系统,​​HAWQ​​应用在​​Hadoop​​环境中,访问​​HDFS​​文件系统。如果当前应用已经部署在​​Hadoop​​上,建议选择​​HAWQ​​。​

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​ HAWQ​​和​​GPDB​​功能上基本上没区别,只是存储的文件系统不一样。​​HDFS​​文件本身自带容错功能,默认同时存​​3​​份保留在磁盘上,任何一份出错了都可以访问另外两份好的,即冗余性比普通文件系统好。不过一般来说,服务器的磁盘在硬件上都普遍使用​​raid​​技术,一定程度上也保障了数据安全。​

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​A3​​:​​有的,请点击 ​​http://d1fto35gcfffzn.cloudfront.net/support/PivotalLifecycleMatrix.pdf​

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​A5​​:​​Pivotal Gemfire​​的数据的存储方式有多个选择:​

​ ​

​1)​​ ​​运行计算,并把数据存储于内存​

​ ​

​2)​​ ​​存储倒文件系统或则外部​​storage​​(​​share nothing​​的架构)​

​ ​

​3)​​ ​​存储倒外部的​​database​​比如​​Oracle​​,​​MySQL​​,​​Postgres​​等等。​

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​4)​​ ​​存储到​​HDFS​​文件系统。​​Pivotal Gemfire9.0​​以后支持​​HDFS Persistence​​功能。​

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​另外,​​Pivotal GemfireXD1.x ​​已经支持​​HDFS Persistence​​功能,并且支持​​HAWQ​​直接读取​​GemfireXD​​数据。​

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​1)​​ ​​Gemfire​​/​​Geode​​现在加大和其他系统的之间的​​Integration​​,​

​ ​

​2)​​ ​​比如​​Gemfire-GreenPlum Connector​​(已经​​Implemented​​)​​, ​

​ ​

​3)​​ ​​Gemfire-Spark Connector​​(已经​​Implemented​​)​​, Gemfire integrate with lucene, Nagios​​(正在​​Implementing​​)​​,​

​ ​

​4)​​ ​​Gemfire runs on Pivotal Cloud foundary​​(已经​​Implemented​​)​​, Gemfire-HDFS​​(正在进行中)​

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​ Gemfire​​本身是一个支持​​Transaction​​,​​ACID​​的高性能的分布式内存数据,现在的版本使用​​OQL​​支持​​SQL​​。但和传统的关系型数据库有一些观念上的差异。比如​​RDBMS​​是使用表的单元,​​Gemfire​​是使用​​Region​​的概念。​

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​ Pivotal SQLFire​​(​​Derby​​+​​Gemfire​​)​​/ GemfireXD​​(​​Derby​​+​​Gemfire​​+​​HDFS​​)产品是支持标准的​​SQL95​​,支持​​distributed transaction​​的分布式内存数据库。也就是可以直接把​​RDBMS​​的表直接移植到​​SQLFire​​/​​GemfireXD​​。​​参考:​​http://gemfirexd.docs.pivotal.io/docs-gemfirexd/about_gemfirexd/topics/c_what_is_elasticsql.html​

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​A6​​:​​和传统的​​RDBMS​​的内存缓冲技术或则某些改善算法相比,​​Gemfire​​等内存数据库有本质的区别。​​Gemfire​​首先是​​share nothing​​的分布式的​​Key-Value(Object)​​的架构,再加上所有的数据都分布在内存上,读写数据,还有不同节点之间的数据同期交换速度都比​​RDBMS​​的速度上有质的飞越。基本上是随着​​node​​数量的增加​​Thoughput​​的性能是线性增长的。传统的​​RDBMS​​的内存缓冲技术只是在旧框架上的修修补补,没法达到分布式​​Key Value​​数据库的线性增长。​

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​VM protect failed to allocate 8388608 bytes from system, VM Protect 3398 MB available​

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​SQL function "to_timestamp" statement 1​

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​ 报错就是因为系统内存不够产生吗?如果,​​GPDB​​如果在某个​​query​​运行的时候用完了所有的内存(存临时数据),​​GPDB​​引擎会有什么机制释放内存,存到磁盘上某个类似​​tempdb​​里面吗?如果配置的内存比实际内存多,就是​​GPDB​​以为有​​xx​​,系统实际上没有那么多内存可以用。那么你说的​​bug​​,在最新的版本中修复了吗?至少找​​4.4.2​​里面还有没有?那么​​​​里面的​​bug​​是修复了吗?​

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​A7​​:​​【​​gpdb​​】常见问题​​--out of memory​

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​ Out of memory​​有两种,第一种是达到数据库​​gp_vmem_protect_limit​​;第二种是达到​​Linux​​内存限制,系统内存已耗尽。​​第一种情况在​​pg_log​​里会找到类似如下的消息​​ "VM Protect failed to allocate n bytes ..." ​​第二种情况在​​pg_log​​里会找到类似如下的消息​​ "VM Protect: failed to allocate memory from system" ​​你说的问题是第二种,包含“​​from system"​​的是第二种。通常这种情况不是系统内存不够,而是系统配置的问题,即配置的比实际的多,需要调整系统配置。​​gpdb​​会利用磁盘存放临时数据,如果是第一种类型的​​out of memory​​则是一个​​bug​​。​​Bug​​基本上是碰到一个修复一个,所以建议你及时更新数据库,保持最新状态,而且我们的更新是免费的。​

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​第二种情况,这基本上是系统配置的问题,系统配置内存的比实际的内存要多。建议你配置的内存和实际物理内存一样大,然后给​​gpdb​​的内存为配置内存的​​80%​​。​​可以打开这个网页,里面有所有的​​gpdb 4.3.x ​​所有的​​Readme. ​​http://gpdb.docs.pivotal.io/gpdb-436.html​

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​A8​​:​​电话:​​877 477 4269​​,或者通过以下两种在线的方式开​​Case: ​

​ ​

​1)​​ ​​发邮件到​​customer-service@pivotal.io​

​ ​

​2)​​ ​​到网站​​https://support.emc.com/servicecenter/createSR/​​,通过自助的方式开​​Case​​。​

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​Q9​​:​​GPDB​​中的哪些表需要“​​VACUUM ANALYZE​​”​

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​A9​​:​​有些系统​​view​​可以显示那些表需要​​"VACUUM ANALYZE"​​,这些​​view​​通过比较“实际的表的大小”和“经过计算的应该大小”,如果两个差别较大,则应该对其​​"VACUUM ANALYZE"​​。​

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​ View "gp_toolkit.gp_bloat_diag"​

​ ​

​ Column | Type | Modifiers​

​ ​


​ ​

​bdirelid | oid | - OID​

​ ​

​bdinspname | name | - Schema name​

​ ​

​bdirelname | name | - Table name​

​ ​

​bdirelpages | integer | - Number of table pages​

​ ​

​bdiexppages | numeric | - Number of expected pages​

​ ​

​bdidiag | text | - Diagnostic: "no bloat"/"moderate bloat"/"significant bloat"​

​ ​


​ ​

​lpetrov=# select * from gp_toolkit.gp_bloat_diag;​

​ ​

​bdirelid | bdinspname | bdirelname | bdirelpages | bdiexppages | bdidiag ​

​ ​


​ ​

​ 353016 | public | t1 | 978 | 1 | significant amount of bloat suspected​

​ ​

​(1 row)​

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​lpetrov=# \d gp_toolkit.gp_bloat_expected_pages​

​ ​

​View "gp_toolkit.gp_bloat_expected_pages"​

​ ​

​ Column | Type | Modifiers​

​ ​


​ ​

​btdrelid | oid | - OID​

​ ​

​btdrelpages | integer | - Number of table pages​

​ ​

​btdexppages | numeric | - Number of expected pages​

​ ​


​ ​

​lpetrov=# select * from gp_toolkit.gp_bloat_expected_pages where btdrelid = 't1'::regclass;​

​ ​

​btdrelid | btdrelpages | btdexppages​

​ ​


​ ​

​ 353016 | 978 | 1​

​ ​

​(1 row)​

​ ​

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​Q10​​:​​我想问一下,既然是开源的产品,那有没有官方教程可以参考下教大家自己搭一套测试环境的呀?比如我设想的过程是这样:搭环境​​ > ​​导数据​​ > ​​出结果​​ > ​​验证。类似​​OpenStack​​的​​DevStack​​一键安装的样子或者以​​Virtual Appliance​​的形式来提供就更好了。谢谢!​

​ ​

​A10​​:​​您可以从这里下载​​PHD2.0​​的​​Single Node VM​​,​​PHD3.0​​的还没有正式发布:​​https://network.pivotal.io/products/pivotal-hd#/releases/148​

​ ​

​ Gemfire​​的开源产品是​​Apache Geode​​,下面是官方的​​geode​​的​​document​​。​​至于​​virtual appliance​​,​​gemfire​​我们内部有提供预装的​​virtual appliance​​(基于​​gemfire8.1​​),里面包含了服务器自动配置,一键启动,简单就可以验证结果的。​​Apache Geode​​暂时还没有相关的​​virtual appliance​​提供。​

​ ​

​http://geode-docs.cfapps.io/docs/getting_started/installation/install_standalone.html​​ ​

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​https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/GEODE/Building+and+Running+Geode+from+Source​​ ​

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​Q11​​:​​能稍微详细介绍下​​HAWQ​​吗?比如他能实现什么功能,跟​​Hive/Hbase ​​有和区别?​

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​Q12​​:​​Pivotal BDS ​​这个可以理解为​​EMC​​自己的数据库呢?​

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​A12​​:​​Pivotal BDS​​是​​EMC​​自己的数据库。​​Greenplum ​​数据库是​​EMC​​收购的,​​HAWQ​​数据库是​​EMC​​自己在​​Greenplum​​的基础上开发出来的,运行在​​HDFS​​文件系统上。​

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​1)​​ ​​传统的​​Authentication ​​和​​Authorization​​方法​

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​2)​​ ​​基于​​Knox​​的​​Authentication ​​的架构​

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​3)​​ ​​基于​​Ranger​​的​​Authorization​​的架构​

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​1​​)​​传统的​​Authentication ​​和​​Authorization​​方法​

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​ 其中传统的​​Authentication ​​和​​Authorization​​方法,在​​hadoop​​企业集群里面,传统的​​Authentication​​的方法是围绕​​Kerberos​​实现的,同时也继承了​​Unix​​用户管理的一些概念和功能。​

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​ Kerberos ​​是基于​​ticket​​或者说​​token​​的一种用户认证方式,简单来说就是用户只需要输入一次密码,就能通过缓存在本地的​​ticket​​或者​​token​​来和认证服务器之间进行权限认证。这样的认证是纵向嵌入在​​hadoop​​对应模块(​​hdfs​​,​​yarn​​,​​hive​​等)的​​code​​里面的,所以一旦这样的​​rpc​​调用被触发,对应的认证过程就会被触发。​​Kerberos​​的使用会基于​​Unix​​的用户和组概念。以​​hawq master​​为例,我们先需要用​​kinit​​工具申请一个​​keytab​​文件,输入的参数还包括用户和域信息。​

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​ Keytab​​文件创建完成以后,可以用​​klist​​工具列出当前机器​​cache​​中的​​Kerberos ticket​​文件。​

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​ 然后把对应的​​keytab​​文件配置到​​hadoop​​的配置文件或者​​hawq​​的配置文件里面并重启集群,这样就可以完成​​kerberos​​的配置工作。在集群需要认证工作的时候,就可以通过配置文件找到​​keytab​​,然后完成和​​Kerberos​​服务器​​KDC​​的认证功能。​

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​ 关于​​Authorization, hadoop​​的原生实现比较简单。基本就是使用​​Unix ​​里面关于用户,组,权限相关的概念。​

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​2​​)​​基于​​Knox​​的​​Authentication ​​的架构​

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​ Apache Knox ​​为企业级用户提供并扩展安全认证功能的网关。​​Knox​​简化了来自客户端的认证的管理,为多客户端多集群多认证方式提供了统一的解决方案。下图是一个​​Knox​​使用场景的简要模块图。​

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​ ​

​ 和传统的认证方式比较,​​Knox​​的解决方案相当灵活。不仅可以覆盖传统的​​hadoop​​集群的用户认证方式,也能融合企业自己的或者远程的认证和管理方式。同时,面向不同类型的客户请求和不同类型的集群之间进行了解耦。​​目前​​Apache Knox​​集中在扩展​​Hadoop YARN ​​的​​API​​的支持,并且为开发者提供更友好的​​Knox API ​​供开发者二次开发。​

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​Q14​​:​​既然有有​​GPDB,​​再發展​​HAWQ​​又是去模擬​​GPDB​​的原因是​​ ?​​是成本較低嗎​​? ​​若是在​​Data Warehouse​​用途​​ ,​​請問放​​ GPDB ​​或​​ HAWQ ​​其優缺點是​​ ? ​​那個較快​​?​

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​Q15​​:​​HAWQ​​放​​HDFS​​看起來容錯好了些,但空間使用多了些,​​,​​另外多了一層效能是否差了些​​? ​​這樣解讀對嗎​​ ? HAWQ access HDFS​​有透過​​mpp or map reduce​​方式在連嗎​​ (​​它其實有三份​​)? HAWQ​​可​​access ​​原本放在​​HDFS​​上的其它檔案嗎​​? ​​是否也是要用​​external table ​​方式​​access?​

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​ nohup $GPHOME/bin/lib/gpcheckcat -p 5432 -A > catalog.log &​

​ ​

​"-p 5432"​​指的是数据库的端口号,根据需要更改成实际的值。​

​ ​

​"-A​​“表示对所有数据库执行​​catalog​​检查,也可以用数据库名字代替​​"-A"​​来对某一个数据库检查。例如 ”​​nohup ​

​ ​

​$GPHOME/bin/lib/gpcheckcat -p 5432 postgres > catalog.log &​​“​

​ ​


​ ​

​Usage: gpcheckcat [] [dbname]​

​ ​

​ -?​

​ ​

​ -B parallel: number of worker threads​

​ ​

​ -g dir : generate SQL to rectify catalog corruption, put it in dir​

​ ​

​ -p port : DB port number​

​ ​

​ -P passwd : DB password​

​ ​

​ -U uname : DB User Name​

​ ​

​ -v : verbose​

​ ​

​ -A : all databases​

​ ​

​ -S option : shared table options (none, only)​

​ ​

​ -O : Online​

​ ​

​ -l : list all tests​

​ ​

​ -R test : run this particular test​

​ ​

​ -C catname : run cross consistency, FK and ACL tests for this catalog table​

​ ​

​ 检查完成后,会产生两个​​report​​,一个是​​summary report​​,名字为​​catalog.log​​(由上述命令重定向产生),另一个是​​detailed report​​, 名字为​​/home/gpadmin/gpAdminLogs/gpcheckcat_YYYYMMDD.log​​。如果发现​​catalog​​有问题,请及时与​​gpdb​​技术支持联系,明确影响范围及确立解决方案。​

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​A18​​:​​有时候误操作,数据被删掉了, 又没有备份,怎么办?​

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​initdb=# create table t1(c1 int);​

​ ​

​NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'DISTRIBUTED BY' clause -- Using column named 'c1' as the Greenplum Database data distribution key for this table.​

​ ​

​HINT: The 'DISTRIBUTED BY' clause determines the distribution of data. Make sure column(s) chosen are the optimal data distribution key to minimize skew.​

​ ​


​ ​

​Time: 543.777 ms​

​ ​

​initdb=# insert into t1 values(1);​

​ ​

​INSERT 0 1​

​ ​

​Time: 631.421 ms​

​ ​

​initdb=# delete from t1;​

​ ​


​ ​

​Time: 19.859 ms​

​ ​

​initdb=# select * from t1;​

​ ​


​ ​


​ ​

​(0 rows)​

​ ​

​ ​

​Time: 9.411 ms​

​ ​

​initdb=# set gp_select_invisible=true;​

​ ​


​ ​

​Time: 12.513 ms​

​ ​

​initdb=# select * from t1;​

​ ​


​ ​


​ ​

​ 1​

​ ​

​(1 row)​

​ ​

​ ​

​Time: 10.739 ms​

​ ​

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​ ​

​A19​​:​​请问你想了解​​GPDB MPP​​数据库的性能检查还是其他的​​HAWQ​​或则​​Gemfire/GemfireXD​​的性能检查?​​如果是​​Gemfire/GemfireXD​​内存数据库的,我们有很多指标来确认当前整个​​Gemfire/GemfireXD​​的性能状况。客户可以通过​​VSD​​工具确认一些​​stats​​来判断一些性能状况。比如对客户端的响应速度​​getResponses​​,​​putResponses​​,​​WAN​​的​​queue​​的非同期速度​​batchesDistributed​​等等。我们还可以通过​​stats​​知道当前的​​CPU​​使用率,​​Memory​​的使用率,​​GC​​情况,是不是有​​Node​​掉线了,​​Node​​间的响应数据​​replyWaitTime​​等等。当然,我们也有​​Pulse​​在线监控​​GUI​​,它是通过收集​​Cluster​​的​​MBean​​的相关​​stats​​数据实时显示当前​​Cluster​​状况。希望这些信息对你有所帮助。​

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​ ​
    ​ ​
  • ​particular HW resource maxed out - this can be discovered using vmstat/iostat, dstat/netblast/gpcheckperf and sar. ​
  • ​ ​
  • ​resource utilization analysis​​ ​
      ​ ​
    • ​high CPU - check "vmstat", "top", pinpoint the processes that consume most cpu and then analyze the processes (pstack/strace) and database session these processes belong to​
    • ​ ​
    • ​is some server swapping - verify via vmstat, free -m, sar, then find the processes using most memory (ps aux, etc.) and analyze processes/sessions​
    • ​ ​
    • ​disk IO - read or write, check iostat -dx and whether IO is saturated for /data1 and /data2 (utilization 90-100%), find which process is doing high IO (strace: read()/write() and iomon utility)​
    • ​ ​
    • ​network saturation - check dstat to see network load (dstat) and network errors (netstat -i), look for processes doing motions and analyze accordingly. Check also if firewall is running (iptables).​
    • ​ ​
  • ​ ​
  • ​analyze problematic processes and check what are they doing​​ ​
      ​ ​
    • ​ps aux - look at ps output and see the proceses, memory allocated, etc.​
    • ​ ​
    • ​pstack - look for clues in the process stack that will show what the process is doing at the moment, cross check with the statement running in the database session​
    • ​ ​
    • ​strace - look for resource related system calls (read()/write(), send()/recv())​
    • ​ ​
    • ​gdb - deeper process analysis​
    • ​ ​
    • ​gcore - if necessary to get a "snapshot" of a process for further analysis by Dev. team​
    • ​ ​
  • ​ ​
  • ​catalog issues​​ ​
      ​ ​
    • ​check whether catalog statistics are good​
    • ​ ​
    • ​check for catalog bloat​
    • ​ ​
  • ​ ​
  • ​user tables​​ ​
      ​ ​
    • ​check whether statistics are good​
    • ​ ​
    • ​one reason for missing/disappearing statistics can be autovacuum running in the background (versions before 4.2.5) - grep master log file for "autovac" and verify age(datfrozenxid) in pg_database​
    • ​ ​
    • ​check for bloat (heap tables only)​
    • ​ ​
    • ​check for table skew​
    • ​ ​
    • ​check whether there are multiple AOCO partitioned tables - this may lead to too many files in the database directory, in which case the FS operations are very slow on FS level​
    • ​ ​
    • ​check for improper object usage - example: huge insert in a table that has index(es) defined - will be slow because of the index maintenance that happens for every row inserted. In this case it is better to do the insert without indexes and create them after the load. ​
    • ​ ​
  • ​ ​
  • ​query plan issues​​ ​
      ​ ​
    • ​understand objects involved (tables, indexes, etc.)​
    • ​ ​
    • ​analyze explain output​
    • ​ ​
    • ​analyze explain analyze output (if possible to get one)​
    • ​ ​
    • ​verify statistics - bad statistics can lead to a bad plan​
    • ​ ​
    • ​verify bloat - bloat can lead to slow table scans​
    • ​ ​
    • ​verify whether spilling is happening - look for pgsql_tmp/ directories under /base/ and their contents ​
    • ​ ​
    • ​look for processing skew​
    • ​ ​
    • ​look for other issues in the plan​
    • ​ ​
    • ​if necessary to collect information for in-house plan analysis, make sure to collect: cluster information, database version, gpsd output, exact query text, explain/explain analyze, sample data (if possible)​
    • ​ ​
  • ​ ​
  • ​OS/HW issues​​ ​
      ​ ​
    • ​I/O - controller has disabled cache (Cache has Writethrough policy) because of battery issues - use provided storage tools​
    • ​ ​
    • ​Applications - maintenance tasks ongoing (Patrol activity, etc.) - use provided storage tools to verify​
    • ​ ​
    • ​Network - network controller issues, network configuration (ip addresses, hostnames, routing), firewall running (iptables), switch issues (switch log)​
    • ​ ​
    • ​verify OS log file ("/var/log/messages")​
    • ​ ​
  • ​ ​
​ ​

​ ​


​ ​

​A20​​:​​Greenplum​​支持表级别的数据恢复。​​gpdbrestore -T table_name​​就可以实现。如果有这张表三个小时前的备份,是可以恢复的。​

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​ ​

​小版本升级比较简单,升级过程只是把​​binary​​换成新的就可以了,时间最多花​​1​​个小时。例如,​​greenplum database​​从​​4.3.0​​升级到​​4.3.5​​,就是小版本升级,直接把​​/usr/local/greenplum-db​​的软连接只相​​greenplum database 4.3.5 binary​​就可以了。​

​ ​

​大版本升级比较复杂,时间久,过程多。例如,​​greenplum database​​从​​4.2.0​​升级到​​4.3.0​​,就是大版本升级。升级前需要做一系列的检查,例如​​catalog​​检查,​​mirror​​的状态等。检查完后,需要一个较长的时间窗口完成升级主过程,主要包括​​append only​​表转换,​​catalog​​表转换等​

​ ​

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​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​



​Maximum size for a database?​


​Maximum size for a table?​

​unlimited, 128 TB per partition per segment​

​Maximum size for a row?​

​>1 GB (approximate)​

​Maximum size for a field?​

​1 GB​

​Maximum BLOB size​

​1 GB (Use BYTEA datatype, we don't have BLOB)​

​Maximum number of rows in a table?​


​Maximum number of columns in a table?​


​Maximum number of indexes on a table?​


​Maximum number of databases/users​


​Maximum number of tables per database​

​4200 million​

​Maximum number of columns per View​


​Maximum length of column/table/database name​


​Maximum number of columns per index​


​Maximum number of table level constraints per table​


​Maximum active concurrent transactions​


​Maximum data format descriptor size​

​63 characters​

​Maximum database, user, base table, view, index, trigger, stored procedure, UDF, UDT, constraint or column name size.​

​63 characters​

​Maximum sessions per parsing engine​

​No concept of parsing engine other than masterDB node. No fixed limit, up to a few hundred.​

​Maximum columns per primary and secondary index​

​32 ​

​ ​

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​ ​

​如果是​​standby master​​节点不同步,需要先删除​​standby master​​,然后再重新添加进来。删除的命令是“​​gpinitstandby -r​​”,重新添加的命令是​​"gpinitstandby -s standby_master_host_name"​

​ ​

​ ​

​检查​​segment​​节点的命令”​​gpstate -e​​“:​

​ ​

​[gpadmin@mdw tmp]$ gpstate -e​

​ ​

​20151106:12:47:55:088663 gpstate:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Starting gpstate with args: -e​

​ ​

​20151106:12:47:55:088663 gpstate:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-local Greenplum Version: 'postgres (Greenplum Database) build 2'​

​ ​

​20151106:12:47:55:088663 gpstate:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-master Greenplum Version: 'PostgreSQL 8.2.15 (Greenplum Database build 2) on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 4.4.2 compiled on Oct 1 2015 15:14:22'​

​ ​

​20151106:12:47:55:088663 gpstate:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Obtaining Segment details from master...​

​ ​

​20151106:12:47:55:088663 gpstate:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Gathering data from segments...​

​ ​


​ ​

​20151106:12:47:57:088663 gpstate:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-----------------------------------------------------​

​ ​

​20151106:12:47:57:088663 gpstate:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Segment Mirroring Status Report​

​ ​

​20151106:12:47:57:088663 gpstate:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-----------------------------------------------------​

​ ​

​20151106:12:47:57:088663 gpstate:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-All segments are running normally​

​ ​

​ ​

​检查​​standby master​​节点的命令式​​"gpstate -f"​​:​

​ ​

​[gpadmin@mdw ~]$ gpstate -f​

​ ​

​20151105:19:46:39:546399 gpstate:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Starting gpstate with args: -f​

​ ​

​20151105:19:46:39:546399 gpstate:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-local Greenplum Version: 'postgres (Greenplum Database) build 2'​

​ ​

​20151105:19:46:39:546399 gpstate:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-master Greenplum Version: 'PostgreSQL 8.2.15 (Greenplum Database build 2) on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 4.4.2 compiled on Oct 1 2015 15:14:22'​

​ ​

​20151105:19:46:39:546399 gpstate:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Obtaining Segment details from master...​

​ ​

​20151105:19:46:40:546399 gpstate:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Standby master details​

​ ​

​20151105:19:46:40:546399 gpstate:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-----------------------​

​ ​

​20151105:19:46:40:546399 gpstate:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:- Standby address = smdw​

​ ​

​20151105:19:46:40:546399 gpstate:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:- Standby data directory = /data/master/gpseg-1​

​ ​

​20151105:19:46:40:546399 gpstate:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:- Standby port = 5432​

​ ​

​20151105:19:46:40:546399 gpstate:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:- Standby PID = 274061​

​ ​

​20151105:19:46:40:546399 gpstate:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:- Standby status = Standby host passive​

​ ​

​20151105:19:46:40:546399 gpstate:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:--------------------------------------------------------------​

​ ​

​20151105:19:46:40:546399 gpstate:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:--pg_stat_replication​

​ ​

​20151105:19:46:40:546399 gpstate:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:--------------------------------------------------------------​

​ ​

​20151105:19:46:40:546399 gpstate:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:--WAL Sender State: streaming​

​ ​

​20151105:19:46:40:546399 gpstate:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:--Sync state: sync​

​ ​

​20151105:19:46:40:546399 gpstate:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:--Sent Location: 0/591FFA78​

​ ​

​20151105:19:46:40:546399 gpstate:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:--Flush Location: 0/591FFA78​

​ ​

​20151105:19:46:40:546399 gpstate:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:--Replay Location: 0/591FFA78​

​ ​

​20151105:19:46:40:546399 gpstate:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:--------------------------------------------------------------​

​ ​

​ ​
​ ​


​ ​
​ ​

​ ​

​Pivotal Greenplum​​产品下载:​​https://network.pivotal.io/products/pivotal-gpdb​

​ ​

​Pivotal Greenplum​​产品文档:​​http://gpdb.docs.pivotal.io/gpdb-436.html​

​ ​


​ ​

​Greenplum​​源代码:​​https://github.com/greenplum-db/gpdb​​ ​

​ ​

​Pivotal BDS​​产品服务支持时间:​​http://d1fto35gcfffzn.cloudfront.net/support/PivotalLifecycleMatrix.pdf​

​ ​

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​Pivotal BDS​

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