

此帖子已超过 5 年


2012年3月19日 01:00

Celerra工具包系列之三:收取CLARiiON SPCollects日志 【NAS Code 5.4+】

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​Celerra工具包系列之一:抓取DataMover网络数据包​​ ​

​Celerra工具包系列之二:收取Celerra Support_materials日志 [NAS Code 5.6+]​​ ​

​Celerra工具包系列之三:收取CLARiiON SPCollects日志 【NAS Code 5.4+】​





​本文将论述如何通过​​.get_spcollects​​脚本直接通过​​Control Station​​收取后端​​CLARiiON SPCollects​​日志。​

​Celerra​​提供的​​.get_spcollect​​脚本能够直接从​​Control Station​​获取​​SPCollect​​日志,请遵照如下步骤:​

    ​ ​
  1. ​使用​​Putty​​登录​​Control Station​
  2. ​ ​
  3. ​输入命令:​​$ /nas/tools/.get_spcollects​
  4. ​ ​
  5. ​等待命令完成​
  6. ​ ​
  7. ​系统将生成​​/nas/var/log/SPCOLLECT.zip​​文件​
  8. ​ ​
  9. ​如果​​/nas/var/log/SPCOLLECT.zip​​文件已经存在,那么该脚本将覆盖旧文件,请查看文件生成日期。​
  10. ​ ​

​文件生成后,可以通过诸如​​WinSCP​​软件从​​Control Station​​上取下​​SPCollect​​,之后便可通过上传日志到​​Powerlink​​或​​EMC FTP​​站点以供技术人员进一步分析。​


​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​

​[nasadmin@NS480-1 ~]$ /nas/tools/.get_spcollect​

​Generating spcollect zip file for Clariion(s)​

​Creating spcollect zip file for the Service Processor A_CKM0010330xxxx. Please wait...​

​spcollect started to pull out log files(it will take several minutes)...​

​Wait until new _data.zip file size becomes final(it will take several minutes)​

​Retrieving new _data.zip file...​

​Wait until new _data.zip file size becomes final(it will take several minutes)​

​Retrieving new _data.zip file...​

​spcollect zip file CKM0010330xxxx_SPA_2012-03-19_04-25-07_2a004e_data.zip for the Service Processor A_CKM0010330xxxx was created​

​Creating spcollect zip file for the Service Processor B_CKM00103300619. Please wait...​

​spcollect started to pull out log files(it will take several minutes)...​

​Wait until new _data.zip file size becomes final(it will take several minutes)​

​Retrieving new _data.zip file...​

​Wait until new _data.zip file size becomes final(it will take several minutes)​

​Retrieving new _data.zip file...​

​spcollect zip file CKM0010330xxxx_SPB_2012-03-19_04-29-19_2a002e_data.zip for the Service Processor B_CKM0010330xxxx was created​

​Deleting old SPCOLLECT.zip file from /nas/var/log directory...​

​Old SPCOLLECT.zip deleted​

​Zipping all spcollect zip files in one SPCOLLECT.zip file and putting it in the /nas/var/log directory...​

​ adding: CKM0010330xxxx_SPA_2012-03-19_04-25-07_2a004e_data.zip (stored 0%)​

​ adding: CKM0010330xxxx_SPB_2012-03-19_04-29-19_2a002e_data.zip (stored 0%)​

