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2017年2月6日 19:00

VNX 5700升级CDES 1.55的补丁需要注意什么?第一次升级系统!

​VNX5700扩展槽双电源不起作用,单电源挂掉后整个DAE​​下电,support说是5700的一个已知bug,可以在线升级升级CDES 1.55的补丁解决这个问题。5700的微码版本为05.,设备已经过保质期。现在咨询审计审计补丁前需要注意什么,备份什么主要配置文件,第一次升级VNX存储系统!​

2 Intern


4K 消息

2017年2月7日 17:00

工程师参考的是KB:VNX, VNXe: A single disk array enclosure power supply fuse failure may lead to a disk array enclosure shutdown https://support.emc.com/kb/476599 和 ETA 483810: VNX, VNXe: A Disk Array Enclosure may shut down due to the combination of a power supply failure and a firmware issue. This combination may result in data unavailability https://support.emc.com/kb/483810

KB里有详细的升级步骤,基本上照着Unisphere Service Manager的提示一路完成升级就行。升级过程是NDU的所以如果USM不报错的话可以在线完成升级。但一般都是建议在非高峰时段操作。

There is a common disk enclosure software (CDES 1.55 version) available to workaround this issue. This software is planned to be included in upcoming releases.

For VNX1 arrays:

  • Select and download CDES 1.55 installation package located here: https://download.emc.com/downloads/DL70254
  • This is applicable on all arrays running 05.32.xxx.x.xxx and 05.31.xxx.x.xxx.
  • It performs a rebootless upgrade of the CDES by copying the CDES to the correct location on the array, then kicking off the upgrade process.
  • After NDU reports the operation is completed successfully, the user needs to wait for sometime to confirm that CDES has been updated. This is because, from NDU operation point of view, it is completed, but the CDES upgrade operation is a background task and will take a while to complete (the more enclosures, the longer it takes).
  • If an additional enclosure is added with an older version of CDES, then CDES 1.55 package should be installed again to upgrade the CDES.

For VNX1 arrays follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the array using Unisphere Service Manager (USM).
  2. Select Software > System Software > Prepare for Installation (Step 1) and follow the wizard. Browse and select the CDES 1.55 .ndu file you downloaded earlier and hit Next till you finish all the steps.                                                                                 Note: For Unified arrays kindly select the 3rd option: Verify storage environment for VNX OE for Block and/ or Enabler installation and follow the steps in the wizard.
  3. Select Install Software (Step-2) in the USM and click Next and follow the steps in the wizard till the CDES 1.55 software is loaded on the array.

Note: For Unified arrays kindly select the 3rd option: Install VNX OE for Block and/ or Enabler and follow the steps in the wizard.

  1. Once CDES 1.55 is loaded on the array, you can verify by clicking LCC and Power Supply Firmware Status in the bottom right Tools section of USM. Check show details in the LCC firmware tab and you can see the current LCC firmware version 1.55.

Note: You may need to wait for sometime to verify and confirm CDES 1.55 is loaded on the array (the more enclosures, the longer it takes).

2 消息

2017年2月7日 19:00



6 消息

2017年2月7日 19:00

最新的flare code已经包含了1.55,不过设备有报警的话是没办法升级的。

2 Intern


4K 消息

2017年2月7日 21:00



Block部分,可以用USM (Unisphere Service Manager)工具来备份,登录VNX SP后,选择View System Configuration > Generate就可以生成存储SP配置的XML文件。也可以用Navisphere CLI命令行工具来完成这一操作:naviseccli -h arrayname arrayconfig -capture -output filename.xml。可以配合脚本定期执行这一命令。

File部分,Control Station会定期备份当前的系统配置,所以可以写一个脚本定期将/nas/var/backup下的nasdb_backup.xx.tar.gz文件复制到保存配置的地方。

