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2016年7月24日 19:00

NSG2初始化完成后通过Unisphere登录时出现Certificate has invalid date

​刚install一台NSG2,后端由CX480提供的OS lun,但通过Unisphere登录时出现报错“Certificate has invalid date“​

​NSG2 version=6.0.70-4​



    ​ ​
  1. ​通过命令重新生成认证。​
    ​ [root@ns_g2_379 ~]# /nas/sbin/nas_ca_certificate -generate​
  2. ​ ​
  3. ​查看httpd进程运行。​
  4. ​ ​

​[root@ns_g2_379 ~]# ps fax |egrep httpd​

​22533 pts/0 S+ 0:00 \_ egrep httpd​

​ 9554 ? S 0:00 | \_ sh -c /nas/sbin/httpd -D HAVE_PERL -D HAVE_SSL -D NO_DETACH -f /nas/http/conf/httpd.conf > /nas/http/logs/apache_restart.out​

​ 9560 ? Ss 0:00 | \_ /nas/sbin/httpd -D HAVE_PERL -D HAVE_SSL -D NO_DETACH -f /nas/http/conf/httpd.conf​

​ 9603 ? S 0:00 | \_ /nas/sbin/httpd -D HAVE_PERL -D HAVE_SSL -D NO_DETACH -f /nas/http/conf/httpd.conf​

​ 9604 ? S 0:00 | \_ /nas/sbin/httpd -D HAVE_PERL -D HAVE_SSL -D NO_DETACH -f /nas/http/conf/httpd.conf​

​ 9605 ? S 0:00 | \_ /nas/sbin/httpd -D HAVE_PERL -D HAVE_SSL -D NO_DETACH -f /nas/http/conf/httpd.conf​

​ 9606 ? S 0:00 | \_ /nas/sbin/httpd -D HAVE_PERL -D HAVE_SSL -D NO_DETACH -f /nas/http/conf/httpd.conf​

​ 9607 ? S 0:00 | \_ /nas/sbin/httpd -D HAVE_PERL -D HAVE_SSL -D NO_DETACH -f /nas/http/conf/httpd.conf​

​ 9608 ? S 0:00 | \_ /nas/sbin/httpd -D HAVE_PERL -D HAVE_SSL -D NO_DETACH -f /nas/http/conf/httpd.conf​

​ 9609 ? S 0:00 | \_ /nas/sbin/httpd -D HAVE_PERL -D HAVE_SSL -D NO_DETACH -f /nas/http/conf/httpd.conf​

​ 9610 ? S 0:00 | \_ /nas/sbin/httpd -D HAVE_PERL -D HAVE_SSL -D NO_DETACH -f /nas/http/conf/httpd.conf​

​ 3. 生成一个默认的key。​

​ [nasadmin@ns_g2_379 ~]$ server_certificate server_2 -persona -generate default -key_size 4096 -cs_sign_du 'name;'​

​ ​

​ 4. 以下是CS date和生成的certificate。​

​[root@ns_g2_379 nasadmin]# date​

​Sun Jul 24 19:41:08 GMT+8 2016​

​[root@ns_g2_379 nasadmin]# /nas/sbin/nas_ca_certificate -display​


​ Data:​

​ Version: 3 (0x2)​

​ Serial Number: 14 (0xe)​

​ Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption​

​ Issuer: O=Celerra Certificate Authority, CN=ns_g2_379​

​ Validity​

​ Not Before: Jul 24 18:41:51 2016 GMT​

​ Not After : Jul 23 18:41:51 2021 GMT​

​ Subject: O=Celerra Certificate Authority, CN=ns_g2_379​

​ Subject Public Key Info:​

​ Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption​

​ RSA Public Key: (2048 bit)​

​ Modulus (2048 bit):​

​ 00:b6:0b:93:0b:cf:b0:ba:30:ad:5a:fe:16:db:ce:​

​ 82:25:59:91:4a:d7:c2:23:39:b3:e4:83:68:2e:c2:​

​ bc:80:91:da:67:63:a8:46:01:a1:d8:d5:29:ed:d2:​

​ 48:52:dd:ce:22:0b:08:1b:ac:0f:fa:32:a1:f6:f0:​

​ b8:49:fb:e1:86:33:88:0d:45:7f:90:6c:a4:30:c2:​

​ ae:c9:dd:ab:1d:9b:79:85:80:bb:6b:19:e1:b0:47:​

​ 96:9a:cd:1f:31:48:de:ba:dc:e4:54:8c:fe:b5:6e:​

​ 71:12:02:a5:b9:bf:e3:93:3d:d6:dc:e1:c7:b9:f8:​

​ 64:0d:73:a8:44:d1:86:7d:88:c1:7e:9b:bb:98:5b:​

​ 64:f7:f2:3a:5f:77:c4:03:19:10:3b:97:a9:80:e3:​

​ a4:ee:88:81:71:65:9b:70:55:34:7c:5c:14:38:7c:​

​ 76:29:0e:b2:9a:25:5b:ad:61:4f:67:76:a9:84:51:​

​ ef:cc:50:79:14:f7:fa:d9:ee:67:6e:06:89:ad:88:​

​ 63:66:7f:1c:b8:6a:ee:a6:27:b0:25:52:0e:87:a2:​

​ c1:a4:9a:de:a8:29:dd:52:70:3f:13:e0:b9:13:03:​

​ 71:d2:26:7a:2a:ad:55:be:54:a2:c5:40:c2:7e:c7:​

​ e6:42:a6:e5:f4:c5:65:e7:de:79:9d:b3:18:51:d5:​

​ 25:2f​

​ Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)​

​ X509v3 extensions:​

​ X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: ​

​ AD:94:2B:A6:40:1E:65:CF:BC:7C:5D:58:9E:C5:B0:16:3E:83:05:70​

​ X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: ​

​ keyid:AD:94:2B:A6:40:1E:65:CF:BC:7C:5D:58:9E:C5:B0:16:3E:83:05:70​

​ DirName:/O=Celerra Certificate Authority/CN=ns_g2_379​

​ serial:0E​

​ X509v3 Basic Constraints: ​


​ X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: ​

​ DNS:ns_g2_379, DNS:ns_g2_379.localdomain, DNS:​

​ Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption​

​ 4c:7d:6e:02:c3:9d:9d:18:eb:e8:4b:35:4c:88:0f:81:07:ff:​

​ fe:74:52:4a:c2:ea:92:20:0b:e8:b8:4c:ca:9f:76:1b:f0:c0:​

​ 3d:03:e6:1f:2a:02:dc:c1:9b:96:f4:14:08:3f:e0:a0:1f:1d:​

​ 07:e4:c0:00:4b:b8:a4:2a:fd:59:a5:44:dd:cc:5d:41:5e:44:​

​ a1:be:5a:40:82:79:d3:bf:b2:25:4d:83:94:09:b7:f9:8a:c6:​

​ 41:1e:f2:81:31:ab:7a:9e:58:a0:38:16:7a:5e:56:7c:9f:f4:​

​ 11:43:c3:9d:91:1f:12:3f:a5:ca:f4:e1:e8:e4:b7:96:5c:75:​

​ 58:f2:55:04:f8:19:71:d9:90:8c:7d:62:10:75:ba:8b:19:85:​

​ f8:c9:ce:bd:57:b2:4e:79:2c:62:20:e4:79:a1:91:6f:8c:88:​

​ 2c:5c:70:cf:24:02:73:89:fe:43:ab:72:5f:ee:95:a4:48:44:​

​ 35:fe:d6:5a:7c:b6:32:e4:39:14:06:6e:56:84:cf:5c:3f:84:​

​ ad:4c:65:e9:0c:fe:c1:48:e0:00:94:78:c5:b2:00:9d:2e:ae:​

​ 89:3d:3f:e5:f4:9a:e7:18:3d:0f:c8:b2:11:a8:8c:81:80:74:​

​ f2:77:3f:c0:3a:90:d8:f5:e4:aa:bc:a9:f5:48:61:87:ea:55:​

​ 69:d4:ae:2d​

























15 消息

2016年7月28日 05:00


谢谢Roger W

2 Intern


4K 消息

2016年7月24日 23:00


2 Intern


4K 消息

2016年7月24日 23:00

您好,帮你把帖子移动到了 存储系统 版块内,方便更多懂这块技术的朋友们看到并参与分享。谢谢!

15 消息

2016年7月25日 03:00


2 Intern


4K 消息

2016年7月25日 19:00

更改一下PC机的系统时间看看呢?有时候由于NTP服务器没有配置过等原因,VNX/Celerra上的时间可能和PC机时间不符(Valid From的时间快于PC机时间 ),或者你再仔细看下KB的几个方法:

VNX login with Unisphere fails with 'Certificate has invalid date' message.https://support.emc.com/kb/427262


  1. Reboot the Control Station and try to login to the system with Unisphere.
  2. Set the Windows workstation PC Clock ahead to a time slightly before the "Valid From" date in the details of the Certificate, and retry the logon to the system using Unisphere.


    If you do not have access to the Unisphere Certificate Warning message, you can verify the "Valid From" date by accessing the Control Station console, examining the following file, and setting the PC clock ahead of the "Not Before" date indicated:

    # cat /nas/site/CA/ca_certificate.pem
            Issuer: O=Celerra Certificate Authority, CN=emcnas_i0
                Not Before: Mar 16 12:49:14 2011 GMT
                Not After : Mar 21 12:49:14 2016 GMT
  3. Alternatively, verify that all the system times on the PC Client & the VNX Control Station match, move all the /nas/http/conf/ssl.crt files from the ssl.crt directory, then reissue the CA Certificate, and retry the logon using Unisphere:

    # /nas/sbin/nas_ca_certificate -generate

    Note:  The start date of the new certificate should be equal to seven (7) days before the current system date, and reflected in GMT time.  Once you have successfully logged into the VNX system, presumably having also "accepted" the certificates in the popups, there is no further action required.

2 Intern


4K 消息

2016年7月31日 04:00


