The error occurs when the O/S is shut down, or it restarts unexpectedly. When a machine that is running Windows starts, a check is performed to determine whether the computer was shut down cleanly. If the computer was not shut down cleanly, a Kernel Power Event 41 message is reported.
The improper shutdown of the O/S without taking the mounted partitions offline causes the file system corruption.
Advise the customer to engage Microsoft support to check the unexpected shutdown and file system corruption issue.
4 消息
2018年6月28日 23:00
Hi Jacks,
您好, 磁盘出现这种报错很有可能是O/S的file system crush导致的, 但是依目前的信息我们无法判断原因。
1. 收集受影响的win主机的EMCGrab(
2. 拨打800热线保修一下您的symmetrix 机器。工程师会根据您提供的报错信息和报错时间查找存储当时有没有相应的报错。 然后会找主机和PowerPath团队分析EMCGrab日志。
3. 请同时也找windows 主机厂商分析一下报错。
The error occurs when the O/S is shut down, or it restarts unexpectedly.
When a machine that is running Windows starts, a check is performed to determine whether the computer was shut down cleanly. If the computer was not shut down cleanly, a Kernel Power Event 41 message is reported.
The improper shutdown of the O/S without taking the mounted partitions offline causes the file system corruption.
Advise the customer to engage Microsoft support to check the unexpected shutdown and file system corruption issue.
Microsoft KB# 2028504