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2014年1月5日 18:00



​ 关于RecoverPoint的疑问,还请大家解答!!谢谢!!​

​ 问题:(容灾类型为CRR)​

​ 1.刚开始配置RP的时候,我们这边没有NTP服务器,所以没有加,但现在我们想添加一个NTP服务器,如何在两个站点中RP里面添加?​

​ 2.复制过程中从生产到灾备端,传输类型为异步,当生产端某一时刻产生的数据比较大的时候,在生产端可能会出现排队的的情况,如何从RP里面查看这个排队信息,查看未传到灾备端的数据。​

2 Intern


1.1K 消息

2014年1月5日 20:00


Note! This procedure assumes that each site is a two RPA cluster. If there are more RPAs, the procedure will need to be modified accordingly to accommodate the extra RPAs.

To change the NTP server setting on the RecoverPoint Appliances:

  1. Verify all RPAs are working correctly. At the RecoverPoint Management Console main window, view the System Status pane. Ensure all RPAs to be updated are functioning properly. If any error conditions exist, correct them before continuing.
  2. At the RecoverPoint Management Console, go to Group Properties > General tab, and record the current value of Preferred RPA for each consistency group. This record will be used to restore the values at the end of the procedure.

    Set the Preferred RPA = RPA 2 for each consistency group.
  3. At the Management Console, select each group, one at a time. In the Group Properties > General tab verify that RPA 2 appears above the RPA for each consistency group in the Current status diagram.
  4. At the Installation Manager, log in as boxmgmt using the IP address of RPA 1 at site 1.
  5. Detach RPA 1 at site 1 from the RPA cluster. At the Installation Manager, select Cluster Operations > Detach from cluster.
  6. Modify installation parameters for the NTP server. At the Installation Manager, select Setup > Modify, and select the NTP server parameters to be modified.
  7. Apply the changes. At the Installation Manager, select Setup > Apply.
  8. Reattach RPA 1 at site 1. At the Installation Manager, select Cluster Operations > Attach to Cluster.

    The RPA reboots.
  9. Log in again to the RPA Management Console. Verify all RPAs are functioning properly. At the RecoverPoint Management Console, in the main window, check the System Status panel.
  10. At the Installation Manager, log in as boxmgmt via the IP address of RPA 1 at site 2.
  11. Detach RPA 1 at site 2 from the RPA cluster. At the Installation Manager, select Cluster Operations > Detach from cluster.
  12. Copy the installation parameters from RPA 1 at site 1. At the Installation Manager, select Setup > Get remote settings and follow instructions on screen.
  13. Apply the changes. At the Installation Manager, select Setup > Apply.
  14. Reattach RPA 1 at site 2. At the Installation Manager, select Cluster Operations > Attach to Cluster.

    The RPA reboots.
  15. Log in again to the RPA Management Console. Verify that all RPAs are functioning properly. At the RecoverPoint Management Console, in the main window, check the System Status panel.
  16. Set Preferred RPA = RPA 1 for each consistency group.

    No user action is required if consistency groups continue to run on RPA 1.
  17. Repeat steps 3-15 for RPA 2 at site 1.
  18. Repeat steps 3-15 for RPA 2 at site 2.
  19. At the RecoverPoint Management Console, go to Group Properties > General tab. For each consistency group, set Preferred RPA back to the value recorded in Step 2. You MUST do Site 1 RPA 1 first because that is the only RPA that maintains the connection with the NTP server. All the other RPAs get their time synchronization from that RPA.

2 Intern


1.1K 消息

2014年1月5日 21:00

在RP里面有两种高负载情况,一种是永久性高负载,常发生在资源不足,例如快照队列长度不够,或者存放快照的copy journal volume空间不足的时候,这种情况transfer会被中止,需要手动解除。另一种是临时性高负载,比方说网速不理想,系统也会中止transfer,但会自动在资源恢复的时候继续transfer不需要手动解除。

查看的方法很简单,看consistency group。

1.命令 get_group_states

2. 登录unisphere for recoverpoint,Protection > Manage Protection, 选择一个组 , 点击status标签页.

3. 打开Overall Health 标签页上的dashboard,查看Consistency Groups Transfer Status widget

1 Rookie


91 消息

2014年1月5日 22:00



2.Journ lag表示的是已经从生产端传输到灾备端的日志卷,而没有应用到灾备卷里面的数据,还是表示有多少数据未传到灾备端日志卷里面的


2 Intern


1.1K 消息

2014年1月6日 01:00

1.在transfer state一栏,看到high load,表示这个group发生了高负载

2. journal lag是用数据量来表示RTO。表示在触发distribution之前允许多少snapshot存放在journal volme里面。因为他们必须要在failover的时候apply这些snapshot,就会影响RTO。

3  journal volume空间不足会触发snapshot consolidation,整合快照腾出空间,可以手动。

