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2020年2月25日 22:00

等待第 6 代 RPA 从 ISO 升级启动时,部署升级失败 —“WARN - Apply Failed. - Connection failed.

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​知识库文章:000534102 ​

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​RecoverPoint:等待第 6 代 RPA 从 ISO 升级启动时,部署升级失败 —“WARN - Apply Failed. - Connection failed. Verify the RPA is reachable make sure the login credentials are correct check user status and try again.”(警告 — 应用失败。— 连接失败。验证 RPA 是否可访问,确保登录凭据正确,检查用户状态并重试。)(000534102)​

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​产品:RecoverPoint、RecoverPoint CL、RecoverPoint EX、RecoverPoint SE、RecoverPoint Gen6 Server​

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​目标受众:级别 30 = 客户​

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​上次发布时间:2019 年 5 月 22 日(星期三),04:27:20 GMT​

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​通过第 6 代 RPA 升级 RecoverPoint 群集时,Deployment Manager 可能会失败,并显示错误“WARN - Apply Failed. - Connection failed. Verify the RPA is reachable, make sure the login credentials are correct, check user status and try again.”(警告 — 应用失败。— 连接失败。验证 RPA 是否可访问,确保登录凭据正确,检查用户状态并重试。)​

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​通过第 6 代 RPA 升级 RecoverPoint 群集时,第 6 代 RPA 上的操作可能会失败,并显示错误:​
​WARN - Apply Failed. - Connection failed. Verify the RPA is reachable, make sure the login credentials are correct, check user status and try again.(警告 — 应用失败。— 连接失败。验证 RPA 是否可访问,确保登录凭据正确,检查用户状态并重试。)​

​ui.log (DM Folder\logs\ui.log) 中的错误:​
​2019-05-18 04:56:23,429 [ApplyNDUUPdaterThread] (ApplyNDUSummaryPage.java:419) INFO - setProcessStarted[true] RUNNING​
​2019-05-18 04:56:23,437 [main] (ApplyNDUSummaryPage.java:454) WARN - Apply Failed. - Connection failed. Verify the RPA is reachable, make sure the login credentials are correct, check user status and try again.​
​2019-05-18 04:56:29,430 [ApplyNDUUPdaterThread] (ApplyNDUSummaryPage.java:419) INFO - setProcessStarted[false] FAILED_ERROR​

​dm.log (DM Folder\logs\dm.log) 中的错误:​
​2019-05-18 03:46:28,706 [pool-1-thread-13] (NDUApplyCommand.java:1090) DEBUG - Finished ISO upgrading rpa: RPA [ip=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, isCredentails=Credentials [user=boxmgmt, password=*****], fapiCredentials=Credentials [user=admin, password=*****], alternativeISCredentails=null, number=4, siteName=Site1, version=5.0.SP1.P2(e.265), boxWWNs=null, rpaState=null, generation=UNKNOWN]​
​2019-05-18 03:46:28,706 [pool-1-thread-13] (GeneralUtils.java:115) DEBUG - Sleeping for: Waiting for rpas to go down: RPA [ip=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, isCredentails=Credentials [user=boxmgmt, password=*****], fapiCredentials=Credentials [user=admin, password=*****], alternativeISCredentails=null, number=4, siteName=Site1, version=5.0.SP1.P2(e.265), boxWWNs=null, rpaState=null, generation=UNKNOWN], ​​time to sleep in millis is: 300000​
​2019-05-18 03:51:28,719 [pool-1-thread-13] (BaseDMCommand.java:198) DEBUG - Command:VerifyRPAsAreUpCommand Started​
​2019-05-18 ​​03:51:28,719​​ [pool-1-thread-13] (VerifyRPAsAreUpCommand.java:37) DEBUG - Verifing rpas are up: [RPA [ip=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, isCredentails=Credentials [user=boxmgmt, password=*****], fapiCredentials=Credentials [user=admin, password=*****], alternativeISCredentails=null, number=4, siteName=Site1, version=5.0.SP1.P2(e.265), boxWWNs=null, rpaState=null, generation=UNKNOWN]], ​​timeoutInSecs=900​
​2019-05-18 03:51:28,720 [pool-1-thread-21] (BaseDMCommand.java:198) DEBUG - Command:VerifyBoxUpLogicCommand Started​
​2019-05-18 03:51:28,721 [pool-1-thread-21] (BaseDMCommand.java:198) DEBUG - Command:AuthenticateCommand Started​
​2019-05-18 03:51:28,721 [pool-1-thread-21] (BaseInstallationServerAdapter.java:75) DEBUG - Connecting to rpa: RPA [ip=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, isCredentails=Credentials [user=boxmgmt, password=*****], fapiCredentials=Credentials [user=admin, password=*****], alternativeISCredentails=null, number=4, siteName=Site1, version=5.0.SP1.P2(e.265), boxWWNs=null, rpaState=null, generation=UNKNOWN]​
​2019-05-18 03:51:50,846 [pool-1-thread-21] (BaseInstallationServerAdapter.java:222) INFO - rpa: RPA [ip=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, isCredentails=Credentials [user=boxmgmt, password=*****], fapiCredentials=Credentials [user=admin, password=*****], alternativeISCredentails=null, number=4, siteName=Site1, version=5.0.SP1.P2(e.265), boxWWNs=null, rpaState=null, generation=UNKNOWN]​
​ *** has no alternative IS credentials.​
​2019-05-18 03:51:50,847 [pool-1-thread-21] (BaseInstallationServerAdapter.java:216) ERROR - rpa: RPA [ip=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, isCredentails=Credentials [user=boxmgmt, password=*****], fapiCredentials=Credentials [user=admin, password=*****], alternativeISCredentails=null, number=4, siteName=Site1, version=5.0.SP1.P2(e.265), boxWWNs=null, rpaState=null, generation=UNKNOWN]​
​ *** no alternative IPs, cannot retry operation: VALIDATE_PASSWORD, params={}​
​com.kashya.installation.exception.InstallationServiceException: rpa: RPA [ip=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, isCredentails=Credentials [user=boxmgmt, password=*****], fapiCredentials=Credentials [user=admin, password=*****], alternativeISCredentails=null, number=4, siteName=Site1, version=5.0.SP1.P2(e.265), boxWWNs=null, rpaState=null, generation=UNKNOWN]​
​ *** has no alternative IS credentials.​
​2019-05-18 ​​04:06:43,322​​ [pool-1-thread-21] (ReturnValue.java:51) ERROR - ​
​2019-05-18 04:06:43,322 [pool-1-thread-21] (BaseDMCommand.java:253) DEBUG - Command VerifyBoxUpLogicCommand FINISHED with returnValue=[ReturnValue [_isSuccess=false, _message=Rpa: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX is down., _data=null, _throwable=com.emc.dm.exception.InstallationFlowException: Rpa: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX is down., _failureReason=UNKNOWN]]​
​2019-05-18 04:06:43,322 [pool-1-thread-21] (BaseDMCommand.java:207) DEBUG - Command:VerifyBoxUpLogicCommand Finished​
​2019-05-18 04:06:43,323 [pool-1-thread-13] (BaseDMCommand.java:152) ERROR - VerifyRPAsAreUpCommand FAILED​
​2019-05-18 04:06:43,324 [pool-1-thread-13] (ReturnValue.java:51) ERROR - Found some RPAs that are down. Their IP addresses are: ​
​2019-05-18 04:06:43,324 [pool-1-thread-13] (BaseDMCommand.java:253) DEBUG - Command VerifyRPAsAreUpCommand FINISHED with returnValue=[ReturnValue [_isSuccess=false, _message=Found some RPAs that are down. Their IP addresses are: , _data=null, _throwable=com.emc.dm.exception.InstallationFlowException: Rpa: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX is down., _failureReason=UNKNOWN]]​
​2019-05-18 04:06:43,324 [pool-1-thread-13] (BaseDMCommand.java:207) DEBUG - Command:VerifyRPAsAreUpCommand Finished​
​2019-05-18 04:06:43,325 [pool-1-thread-13] (DMUtils.java:51) ERROR - Got a failed return value for: Verifing rpas are up after ISO upgrade, return value is: ReturnValue [_isSuccess=false, _message=Found some RPAs that are down. Their IP addresses are: , _data=null, _throwable=com.emc.dm.exception.InstallationFlowException: Rpa: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX is down., _failureReason=UNKNOWN]​
​com.emc.dm.exception.InstallationFlowException: Rpa: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX is down.​
​ at com.emc.dm.commands.infra.Commands.throwFirstRVExceptionIfThereAreAny(Commands.java:53)​
​ at com.emc.dm.commands.infra.Commands.invokeAllAndVerifySuccess(Commands.java:131)​
​ at com.emc.dm.commands.infra.BaseDMCommand.invokeAllAndVerifySuccess(BaseDMCommand.java:101)​
​ at com.emc.dm.commands.concrete.verify.VerifyRPAsAreUpCommand.inner(VerifyRPAsAreUpCommand.java:48)​
​ at com.emc.dm.commands.infra.BaseDMCommand.execute(BaseDMCommand.java:41)​
​ at com.emc.dm.commands.concrete.status.NDUApplyCommand.runRPAPhaseISOUpgradeStep(NDUApplyCommand.java:459)​
​ at com.emc.dm.commands.concrete.status.NDUApplyCommand.runRPAPhase(NDUApplyCommand.java:101)​
​ at com.emc.dm.commands.concrete.status.NDUApplyCommand.inerExecuteAction(NDUApplyCommand.java:73)​
​ at com.emc.dm.commands.concrete.status.BaseInstallationActionWithStatusLogicCommand.innerWithoutReturnValue(BaseInstallationActionWithStatusLogicCommand.java:37)​
​ at com.emc.dm.commands.concrete.status.BaseStatusCommand.inner(BaseStatusCommand.java:50)​
​ at com.emc.dm.commands.infra.BaseDMCommand.execute(BaseDMCommand.java:41)​
​ at com.emc.dm.commands.concrete.status.ApplyCommand.innerWithoutReturnValue(ApplyCommand.java:48)​
​ at com.emc.dm.commands.concrete.status.BaseStatusCommand.inner(BaseStatusCommand.java:50)​
​ at com.emc.dm.commands.infra.BaseDMCommand.execute(BaseDMCommand.java:41)​
​ at com.emc.dm.commands.infra.BaseDMCommand.call(BaseDMCommand.java:161)​
​ at com.emc.dm.commands.infra.BaseDMCommand.call(BaseDMCommand.java:32)​
​ at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source)​
​ at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)​
​ at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)​
​ at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)​
​Caused by: com.emc.dm.exception.InstallationFlowException: Rpa: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX is down.​
​ at com.emc.dm.actions.VerifyBoxUpLogicCommand.inner(VerifyBoxUpLogicCommand.java:40)​
​ ... 7 more​
​Caused by: com.emc.recoverpoint.utils.state_observer.StateException: State wasn't reached.​
​ at com.emc.recoverpoint.utils.state_observer.StateObserver.waitUntilStateIsReached(Predicate.scala:22)​
​ at com.emc.dm.actions.VerifyBoxUpLogicCommand.inner(VerifyBoxUpLogicCommand.java:38)​
​ ... 7 more​

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​对于 RPA 完成 ISO 升级(包括启动)所需的时间,Deployment Manager 出现 2 次超时:​
​等待 rpa 关闭 — ​​time to sleep in millis is: 300000​
​验证 rpa 已启动 — ​​timeoutInSecs=900​

​因此,组合 DM 为 RPA 重新启动分配 20 分钟。​
​第 6 代 RPA 可能需要略微更长的时间来完成 ISO 升级 — 25 分钟左右​

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​使用 Deployment Manager,通过第 6 代 RPA 升级 RecoverPoint 群集​

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​等待 DM 出现故障 — 验证 RPA 应答 ping 并允许 DM 重试操作​


​启动 Deployment Manager 进行升级之前,更改 DM Folder\conf\dm.properties 上的参数​


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​RecoverPoint、RecoverPoint CL、RecoverPoint EX、RecoverPoint SE、RecoverPoint Gen6 Server​

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