


1 Rookie


15 消息


2022年11月2日 21:00




​Log Files​

​Log #1:​​/usr/local/avamarclient/var/MOD-1667446305496-b37c2ab43917bc9ca9edeeace741fab796bcaaaf-3016-vmimagew-xmlstats.log​
​Log #2:​​avvcbimage log 2022-11-03 11:37:20 CST [19.1.100-38 Linux-x86_64]​​ (3 errors)​
​Log #3:​​MOD-1667446305496 log 2022-11-03 11:37:20 CST [19.1.100-38 Linux-x86_64]​

​Errors and Exceptions​

​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage FATAL <0000>​​: [IMG0002] The datastore information from VMX '[Vplex-Unity400-1.8-4.5T] Queueing/Queueing.vmx' will not permit a restore or backup. ​​(Log #2)​
​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Error <0000>​​: [IMG0009] Create Snapshot: snapshot creation or pre/post snapshot script failed. ​​(Log #2)​
​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Error <0000>​​: [IMG0009] Create Snapshot: snapshot creation/pre-script/post-script failed. ​​(Log #2)​

​*********** /usr/local/avamarclient/var/MOD-1667446305496-b37c2ab43917bc9ca9edeeace741fab796bcaaaf-3016-vmimagew-xmlstats.log ***********​

​Log #1: /usr/local/avamarclient/var/MOD-1667446305496-b37c2ab43917bc9ca9edeeace741fab796bcaaaf-3016-vmimagew-xmlstats.log​

​ ​​ ​​ 6.7.0 17137327 avamarproxy-proxy-3 19.1.100-38 6.7.3 build-17499825 ​​ ​

​*********** /usr/local/avamarclient/var/MOD-1667446305496-b37c2ab43917bc9ca9edeeace741fab796bcaaaf-3016-vmimagew.log ***********​

​Log #2: avvcbimage log 2022-11-03 11:37:20 CST [19.1.100-38 Linux-x86_64]​

​2022-11-03 11:37:20 ​​avvcbimage Info <5008>​​: Logging to /usr/local/avamarclient/var/MOD-1667446305496-b37c2ab43917bc9ca9edeeace741fab796bcaaaf-3016-vmimagew.log​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:20 ​​avvcbimage Info <5174>: - Reading /usr/local/avamarclient/var/avvcbimage.cmd ​​2022-11-03 11:37:20 ​​avvcbimage Info <5174>: - Reading /usr/local/avamarclient/var/avvcbimageAll.cmd ​​2022-11-03 11:37:20 ​​avvcbimage Info <6673>​​: CTL listening on port 54430​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:20 ​​avvcbimage Info <10684>​​: Setting ctl message version to 3 (from 1)​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:20 ​​avvcbimage Info <16136>​​: Setting ctl max message size to 268435456​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:20 ​​avvcbimage Info <40636>​​: SSL Certificate Thumbprint: 1F:27:81:D5:87:D6:B0:1D:AD:12:7F:9B:3B:B7:A4:CB:FD:E4:41:C4​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:20 ​​avvcbimage Info <42665>​​: setParent(): sGuestName= sProxyHostName=avamarproxy svCentername= sGuestVmName=Queueing.30.27 sVmxPath=[Vplex-Unity400-1.8-4.5T] Queueing/Queueing.vmx​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:20 ​​avvcbimage Info <43574>​​: vcApiVersion 6.5​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:20 ​​avvcbimage Info <43575>​​: VSphereHTTP::vcVersion65 will be true​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:20 ​​avvcbimage Info <42137>​​: job type = 4​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:20 ​​avvcbimage Info <18664>​​: Login( Datacenter: 'A-A-Datacenter'​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:20 ​​avvcbimage Info <19728>​​: - connected to 'VirtualCenter' - version: 'VMware vCenter Server 6.7.0 build-17137327', apiVersion:'6.7.3' ​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:20 ​​avvcbimage Info <42146>​​: Login by loginWS test is OK.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:30 ​​avvcbimage Info <40726>​​: VM Config Info: VMX version 4(F), ctk enabled(T), fault tolerant (F), Guest OS Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit), Cloud UUID = NoUUID. version=13​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:30 ​​avvcbimage Info <40727>​​: VM Guest Info: GuestOS Family = windowsGuest, Guest Full Name = Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit), Guest OS State = running, Tools Running = guestToolsRunning, Tools Version Status = guestToolsCurrent​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:30 ​​avvcbimage Info <14625>​​: WorkOrder Disk Info:​​ ​​ Prior Disk '2000': file(base):'[Vplex-Unity400-1.8-4.5T] Queueing/Queueing.vmdk', backItUp=1​​ ​​ snapshot file:'[Vplex-Unity400-1.8-4.5T] Queueing/Queueing.vmdk'​​ ​​ prior size(KB):0, current size(KB):314572800, match=0​​ ​​ prior change block ID:''​​ ​​ Datastore:'Vplex-Unity400-1.8-4.5T' Directly Accessible=1​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:30 ​​avvcbimage Info <40637>​​: Proxy Host Name= build-17499825) ​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:30 ​​avvcbimage Info <40638>​​: VM Host Name= build-17499825)​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:30 ​​avvcbimage Info <19547>​​: Using Simultaneous Workorders method​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:30 ​​avvcbimage Info <19652>​​: Updated cache lookup​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:30 ​​avvcbimage Info <19587>​​: Create cache lock file succeeded​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:30 ​​avvcbimage Info <19588>​​: usLockFile: /usr/local/avamarclient/bin/var3.lck​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <11979>​​: proxy VM DNS name is:,avamarproxy,localhost,ipv6-localhost,ipv6-loopback,::1,fe80::250:56ff:fe8a:2501​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <18672>​​: proxy VM Instance name is: avamarproxy-proxy-3​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <17793>​​: proxy VM Moref is: vm-45847​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <16010>​​: vCenter 'A-A-Datacenter' is​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <11981>​​: VM's host is​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <11982>​​: VM's primary storage location is [Vplex-Unity400-1.8-4.5T] Queueing/Queueing.vmx​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <11983>​​: VM's vCenter ID is vm-178​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <19658>​​: change block file: VmImage3_changefilemap.tmp​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <11984>​​: VM's backup account on is /​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <11986>​​: Changed block tracking is engaged for this VM​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <11988>​​: A reference to a valid prior backup is not available so this will be a full level zero backup.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <19549>​​: metadata tmp dir: /usr/local/avamarclient/var/vmware/3/temp​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <40640>​​: create tmpDir: /usr, failed (-1)​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <40640>​​: create tmpDir: /usr/local, failed (-1)​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <40640>​​: create tmpDir: /usr/local/avamarclient, failed (-1)​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <40640>​​: create tmpDir: /usr/local/avamarclient/var, failed (-1)​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <40640>​​: create tmpDir: /usr/local/avamarclient/var/vmware, failed (-1)​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <40640>​​: create tmpDir: /usr/local/avamarclient/var/vmware/3, failed (-1)​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <40640>​​: create tmpDir: /usr/local/avamarclient/var/vmware/3/temp, failed (-1)​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <40654>​​: isExitOK()=0 ​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <17823>​​: Body- abortrecommended(f) ​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <19660>​​: targetlist contains ​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <5174>: - Reading /usr/local/avamarclient/var/avvcbimage.cmd ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <5174>: - Reading /usr/local/avamarclient/var/avvcbimageAll.cmd ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <7084>​​: target[0]=[Vplex-Unity400-1.8-4.5T] Queueing/Queueing.vmdk​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <40658>​​: vmparams ( ​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <40654>​​: isExitOK()=0 ​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <42660>​​: Value of runflags.m_allDisksIncluded is true​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <18664>​​: Login( Datacenter: 'A-A-Datacenter'​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <19728>​​: - connected to 'VirtualCenter' - version: 'VMware vCenter Server 6.7.0 build-17137327', apiVersion:'6.7.3' ​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <42146>​​: Login by loginWS test is OK.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <16011>​​: Running cleanup of old backups.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:OBJLIB-LIB: Objlib initialized.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:VixDiskLib: Attempting to locate advanced transport module in "/usr/lib/vmware-vix-disklib".​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:VixDiskLib: Advanced transport plugin /usr/lib/vmware-vix-disklib/lib64/libdiskLibPlugin.so was successfully loaded into vixDiskLib.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:VixDiskLib: Enabling advanced transport modes.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:VixDiskLib: Initialize transport modes.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:2022-11-03T11:37:37.777+08:00 info -[7F4AD9735700] [Originator@6876 sub=ThreadPool] Entering fair thread loop​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:2022-11-03T11:37:37.777+08:00 info -[7F4ACEFFD700] [Originator@6876 sub=vm:DictionaryLoad: Cannot open file "/etc/vmware/vsphereFeatures/vsphereFeatures.cfg] : No such file or directory.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:2022-11-03T11:37:37.777+08:00 info -[7F4ACEFFD700] [Originator@6876 sub=vm:[msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "/etc/vmware/vsphereFeatures/vsphereFeatures.cfg] : No such file or directory.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:2022-11-03T11:37:37.777+08:00 info -[7F4ACEFFD700] [Originator@6876 sub=vm:FeatureStateLib: Error while loading feature config file: /etc/vmware/vsphereFeatures/vsphereFeatures.cfg] using default feature state values.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:VixDiskLib: Available transport modes: file:san:hotadd:nbdssl:nbd.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:VMware VixDiskLib (6.5) Release build-6195444​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:DictionaryLoad: Cannot open file "/usr/lib/vmware/settings": No such file or directory.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:[msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "/usr/lib/vmware/settings": No such file or directory.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:PREF Optional preferences file not found at /usr/lib/vmware/settings. Using default values.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:DictionaryLoad: Cannot open file "/usr/lib/vmware/config": No such file or directory.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:[msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "/usr/lib/vmware/config": No such file or directory.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:PREF Optional preferences file not found at /usr/lib/vmware/config. Using default values.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:DictionaryLoad: Cannot open file "/root/.vmware/config": No such file or directory.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:[msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "/root/.vmware/config": No such file or directory.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:PREF Optional preferences file not found at /root/.vmware/config. Using default values.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:DictionaryLoad: Cannot open file "/root/.vmware/preferences": No such file or directory.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:[msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "/root/.vmware/preferences": No such file or directory.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:PREF Optional preferences file not found at /root/.vmware/preferences. Using default values.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:lib/ssl: OpenSSL using FIPS_drbg for RAND​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:lib/ssl: protocol list tls1.2​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:lib/ssl: protocol list tls1.2 (openssl flags 0x17000000)​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:lib/ssl: cipher list !aNULL:kECDH+AESGCM:ECDH+AESGCM:RSA+AESGCM:kECDH+AES:ECDH+AES:RSA+AES​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:VixDiskLibVim: VixDiskLibVim_Init: Initialization is completed.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_Cleanup: Remove previous mount points and clean up .​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_Connect: Establish connection.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:VixDiskLib: Resolve host.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_Disconnect: Disconnect.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <16048>​​: VixDiskLib_Cleanup() found no prior mounts to cleanup.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <18664>​​: Login( Datacenter: 'A-A-Datacenter'​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <19728>​​: - connected to 'VirtualCenter' - version: 'VMware vCenter Server 6.7.0 build-17137327', apiVersion:'6.7.3' ​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <42146>​​: Login by loginWS test is OK.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:37 ​​avvcbimage Info <42215>​​: SnapshotManager: initializing at, vCenter, datacenter(/A-A-Datacenter), httpsTimeout_ms(3600000), maxDeleteRetries(-1)​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:38 ​​avvcbimage Info <42191>​​: GET: curl_easy_getinfo succeeded with httpcode(200)​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:38 ​​avvcbimage Info <44033>​​: AvSnapMgr::getData Succeeded httpCode: 200​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:38 ​​avvcbimage Info <42162>​​: SnapshotManager version:​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:38 ​​avvcbimage Info <40642>​​: Using SnapShot Manager - with fallback to proxy calling vSphere API functions.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:38 ​​avvcbimage Info <18648>​​: The snapshot '' could not be removed.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:38 ​​avvcbimage Info <44037>​​: No same VM disk(s) had attached to proxy: vm-45847.No need to reconfig proxy​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:38 ​​avvcbimage Info <40751>​​: Datastore Vplex-Unity400-1.8-4.5T ​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:38 ​​avvcbimage Info <14664>​​: no snapshots are present on this VM.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:38 ​​avvcbimage Info <42225>​​: (CURL) Logging into datacenter path of 'folder?dcPath=A-A-Datacenter', A-A-Datacenter => A-A-Datacenter​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:38 ​​avvcbimage Info <42226>​​: (Legacy) Logging into datacenter path of 'folder?dcPath=A-A-Datacenter', A-A-Datacenter => A%2DA%2DDatacenter​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:38 ​​avvcbimage Info <41153>​​: Using CURL Method​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:38 ​​avvcbimage Info <41154>​​: Re-using vCS Session Cookie​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:38 ​​avvcbimage Info <41153>​​: Using CURL Method​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:38 ​​avvcbimage Info <41154>​​: Re-using vCS Session Cookie​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:39 ​​avvcbimage Info <14673>​​: All Datastore Info:​​ ​​ datastore:'FC_Share5 ' capacity=3873523630080 free=3479955308544​​ ​​ datastore:'FC_share1 ' capacity=2198754820096 free=1774673985536​​ ​​ datastore:'FC_share2 ' capacity=2050578448384 free=1997352730624​​ ​​ datastore:'FC_share3 ' capacity=1470757863424 free=1418084745216​​ ​​ datastore:'FC_share4 ' capacity=1578132045824 free=1577105489920​​ ​​ datastore:'Vplex-HUS110-2.5T ' capacity=2748510633984 free=974624129024​​ ​​ datastore:'Vplex-HUS110-2.7T ' capacity=3003524317184 free=1252699144192​​ ​​ datastore:'Vplex-HUS110-4.9T ' capacity=5387231166464 free=2415214460928​​ ​​ datastore:'Vplex-Unity400-1.8-4.5T ' capacity=4947533889536 free=2033307353088​​ ​​ datastore:'Vplex-Unity400-1.8-4T ' capacity=4397778075648 free=2290258804736​​ ​​ datastore:'Vplex-Unity400-1.8-5.5T ' capacity=6047045517312 free=3057300537344​​ ​​ datastore:'Vplex-Unity400-1.8-5T ' capacity=5497289703424 free=2266599784448​​ ​​ datastore:'Vplex-Unity400-1.8-6TB ' capacity=6596801331200 free=3465928507392​​ ​​ datastore:'Vplex-Unity400-11Tssd-DB3 ' capacity=12094359470080 free=5651431424000​​ ​​ datastore:'Vplex-Unity400-3.9T-DB1 ' capacity=4294698860544 free=1945732382720​​ ​​ datastore:'Vplex-Unity400-4.59T ' capacity=5046318137344 free=1942662152192​​ ​​ datastore:'Vplex-Unity400-4T-DB2 ' capacity=4402073042944 free=4400491790336​​ ​​ datastore:'datastore12 ' capacity=99321118720 free=98301902848​​ ​​ datastore:'datastore13 ' capacity=290984034304 free=145993236480​​ ​​ datastore:'datastore14 ' capacity=290984034304 free=145994285056​​ ​​ datastore:'datastore17 ' capacity=290984034304 free=263665483776​​ ​​ datastore:'datastore18 ' capacity=290984034304 free=268590645248​​ ​​ datastore:'datastore19 ' capacity=290984034304 free=263648706560​​ ​​ datastore:'datastore20 ' capacity=290984034304 free=263650803712​​ ​​ datastore:'datastore41 ' capacity=290984034304 free=268522487808​​ ​​ datastore:'datastore42 ' capacity=290984034304 free=268703891456​​ ​​ datastore:'datastore43 ' capacity=290984034304 free=268707037184​​ ​​ datastore:'datastore44 ' capacity=290984034304 free=266484056064​​ ​​ datastore:'datastore45 ' capacity=590826438656 free=563534102528​​ ​​ datastore:'datastore46 ' capacity=590826438656 free=563550879744​​ ​​ datastore:'datastore47 ' capacity=590826438656 free=563515228160​​ ​​ datastore:'datastore48 ' capacity=590826438656 free=563550879744​​ ​​ datastore:'datastore49 ' capacity=290984034304 free=268689211392​​ ​​ datastore:'datastore50 ' capacity=290984034304 free=268705988608​​ ​​ datastore:'datastore51 ' capacity=290984034304 free=268670337024​​ ​​ datastore:'datastore52 ' capacity=290984034304 free=268688162816​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:39 ​​avvcbimage Info <14675>​​: All VM Info (10/10):​​ ​​ VM:'Caiji/ ' last modified on '11-Oct-2022 15:50'​​ ​​ VM:'DB-WeiChatMiniPrograms/ ' last modified on '12-Oct-2022 14:07'​​ ​​ VM:'M&C/ ' last modified on '11-Oct-2022 16:22'​​ ​​ VM:'PACS Database/ ' last modified on '13-Oct-2021 12:40'​​ ​​ VM:'Queueing/ ' last modified on '03-Nov-2022 03:36'​​ ​​ VM:'RGSZYY_DC2/ ' last modified on '11-Oct-2022 15:59'​​ ​​ VM:'VCSA7.01/ ' last modified on '26-Oct-2022 11:59'​​ ​​ VM:'WUZI/ ' last modified on '11-Oct-2022 15:37'​​ ​​ VM:'Yonyou.30.34/ ' last modified on '11-Oct-2022 16:07'​​ ​​ VM:'server_2016_standard/ ' last modified on '13-Sep-2022 08:38'​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:39 ​​avvcbimage Info <42204>​​: The download path of VM 'Queueing/' is (CURL) '/folder/Queueing?dcPath=A-A-Datacenter&dsName=Vplex%252dUnity400%252d1%252e8%252d4%252e5T' or (LEGACY) '/folder/Queueing?dcPath=A%252dA%252dDatacenter&dsName=Vplex%252dUnity400%252d1%252e8%252d4%252e5T'​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:39 ​​avvcbimage Info <41153>​​: Using CURL Method​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:39 ​​avvcbimage Info <41154>​​: Re-using vCS Session Cookie​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:39 ​​avvcbimage Info <14677>​​: All VM file Info:​​ ​​ File:'Queueing-000002-sesparse.vmdk ' last modified on '14-Dec-2021 14:07' size=1288704000​​ ​​ File:'Queueing-000002.vmdk ' last modified on '14-Dec-2021 14:28' size=313​​ ​​ File:'Queueing-02f3f7de.vswp ' last modified on '27-Sep-2020 07:44' size=17179869184​​ ​​ File:'Queueing-4bb0307c.hlog ' last modified on '05-Mar-2021 15:54' size=92​​ ​​ File:'Queueing-aux.xml ' last modified on '03-Nov-2022 03:36' size=13​​ ​​ File:'Queueing-ctk.vmdk ' last modified on '03-Nov-2022 03:36' size=4915712​​ ​​ File:'Queueing-flat.vmdk ' last modified on '03-Nov-2022 03:37' size=322122547200​​ ​​ File:'Queueing.db ' last modified on '03-Mar-2021 05:06' size=9216​​ ​​ File:'Queueing.db-journal ' last modified on '03-Mar-2021 05:06' size=3608​​ ​​ File:'Queueing.nvram ' last modified on '09-Oct-2022 17:00' size=8684​​ ​​ File:'Queueing.vmdk ' last modified on '03-Nov-2022 03:36' size=711​​ ​​ File:'Queueing.vmsd ' last modified on '03-Nov-2022 03:36' size=45​​ ​​ File:'Queueing.vmx ' last modified on '03-Nov-2022 03:36' size=4032​​ ​​ File:'Queueing.vmx.lck ' last modified on '05-Mar-2021 15:54' size=0​​ ​​ File:'Queueing.vmxf ' last modified on '02-Nov-2022 03:03' size=150​​ ​​ File:'Queueing.vmx~ ' last modified on '03-Nov-2022 03:36' size=4039​​ ​​ File:'vmware-48.log ' last modified on '27-Sep-2020 07:44' size=251342​​ ​​ File:'vmware-49.log ' last modified on '27-Sep-2020 07:44' size=250684​​ ​​ File:'vmware-50.log ' last modified on '21-Oct-2020 11:33' size=977494​​ ​​ File:'vmware-51.log ' last modified on '21-Oct-2020 11:47' size=250734​​ ​​ File:'vmware-52.log ' last modified on '05-Mar-2021 10:36' size=6195620​​ ​​ File:'vmware-53.log ' last modified on '05-Mar-2021 15:54' size=306518​​ ​​ File:'vmware.log ' last modified on '03-Nov-2022 03:36' size=13083115​​ ​​ File:'vmx-Queueing-49543134-1.vswp ' last modified on '05-Mar-2021 15:53' size=90177536​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:39 ​​avvcbimage Info <19704>​​: DataStore Storage Info:Vplex-Unity400-1.8-4.5T capacity=4947533889536 free=2033307353088 ​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:39 ​​avvcbimage Info <19716>​​: DS Capacity=4947533889536 FreeSpace=2033307353088 / HD committed=78353110215 unCommitted=261060821703 unShared=61061726208 ​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:39 ​​avvcbimage Info <41153>​​: Using CURL Method​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:39 ​​avvcbimage Info <41154>​​: Re-using vCS Session Cookie​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:39 ​​avvcbimage Info <41153>​​: Using CURL Method​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:39 ​​avvcbimage Info <41154>​​: Re-using vCS Session Cookie​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <42216>​​: Evaluating Datastores for orphaned snapshots using legacy method.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <16001>​​: Found 1 disk(s), 0 snapshots, and 1 snapshot files, on the VMs datastore.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Warning <18652>​​: Too many extra snapshot files (1) were found on this Windows VMs datastore. This can cause a problem for the backup or restore.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <18678>​​: Extracted Queueing-flat.vmdk base disk from the VMX file​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage FATAL <0000>​​: [IMG0002] The datastore information from VMX '[Vplex-Unity400-1.8-4.5T] Queueing/Queueing.vmx' will not permit a restore or backup.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <9772>​​: Starting graceful (staged) termination, Too many pre-existing snapshots on the datastore will not permit a restore or backup. (wrap-up stage)​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Error <0000>​​: [IMG0009] Create Snapshot: snapshot creation or pre/post snapshot script failed.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Error <0000>​​: [IMG0009] Create Snapshot: snapshot creation/pre-script/post-script failed.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <40654>​​: isExitOK()=206 ​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <40659>​​: snapshot created:false NOMC:false ChangeBlTrackingAvail:true UsingChBl:true, ExitOK:false, cancelled:false, fatal: true​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <18664>​​: Login( Datacenter: 'A-A-Datacenter'​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <19728>​​: - connected to 'VirtualCenter' - version: 'VMware vCenter Server 6.7.0 build-17137327', apiVersion:'6.7.3' ​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <42146>​​: Login by loginWS test is OK.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <18664>​​: Login( Datacenter: 'A-A-Datacenter'​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <19728>​​: - connected to 'VirtualCenter' - version: 'VMware vCenter Server 6.7.0 build-17137327', apiVersion:'6.7.3' ​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <42146>​​: Login by loginWS test is OK.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <9666>​​: Available transport modes are file:san:hotadd:nbdssl:nbd​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_PrepareForAccess: Prepare to access disk.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_Connect: Establish connection.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:VixDiskLib: Resolve host.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:VixDiskLibVim: VixDiskLibVim_AllowVMotion: Disable VMotion.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:DictionaryLoad: Cannot open file "/usr/lib/vmware/settings": No such file or directory.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:[msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "/usr/lib/vmware/settings": No such file or directory.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:PREF Optional preferences file not found at /usr/lib/vmware/settings. Using default values.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:DictionaryLoad: Cannot open file "/usr/lib/vmware/config": No such file or directory.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:[msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "/usr/lib/vmware/config": No such file or directory.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:PREF Optional preferences file not found at /usr/lib/vmware/config. Using default values.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:DictionaryLoad: Cannot open file "/root/.vmware/config": No such file or directory.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:[msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "/root/.vmware/config": No such file or directory.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:PREF Optional preferences file not found at /root/.vmware/config. Using default values.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:DictionaryLoad: Cannot open file "/root/.vmware/preferences": No such file or directory.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:[msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "/root/.vmware/preferences": No such file or directory.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:PREF Optional preferences file not found at /root/.vmware/preferences. Using default values.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:lib/ssl: OpenSSL using FIPS_drbg for RAND​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:lib/ssl: protocol list tls1.2​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:lib/ssl: protocol list tls1.2 (openssl flags 0x17000000)​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:lib/ssl: cipher list !aNULL:kECDH+AESGCM:ECDH+AESGCM:RSA+AESGCM:kECDH+AES:ECDH+AES:RSA+AES​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:VixDiskLibVim: VixDiskLibVim_FreeNfcTicket: Free NFC ticket.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <17818>​​: VixDiskLib vMotion reservation successfully enabled by 'EMC Avamar VM Backup Proxy'​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <40654>​​: isExitOK()=206 ​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <18664>​​: Login( Datacenter: 'A-A-Datacenter'​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <19728>​​: - connected to 'VirtualCenter' - version: 'VMware vCenter Server 6.7.0 build-17137327', apiVersion:'6.7.3' ​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <42146>​​: Login by loginWS test is OK.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <43003>​​: backup Failed, only set annotation to LastBackupStatus​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <43109>​​: AvSnapMgr::addSetAnnotation, vm-178​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:40 ​​avvcbimage Info <42182>​​: SnapshotManager: POST to /snapshotmanager/vm/vm-178/action/markAnnotations, payload({"url":"","tags":{"LastBackupStatus-com.dellemc.avamar":"Failed: 2022-11-03 03:37:40 UTC"}})​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:41 ​​avvcbimage Info <42183>​​: AvSnapMgr::postData Succeeded​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:41 ​​avvcbimage Info <42185>​​: POST: curl_easy_getinfo - passed. HTTPCode: 200​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:41 ​​avvcbimage Info <42183>​​: AvSnapMgr::postData Succeeded​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:41 ​​avvcbimage Info <43110>​​: avSnapMgr::addSetAnnotation returned: HTTP/1.1 200 ​​ ​​Content-Length: 0​​ ​​Date: Thu, 03 Nov 2022 03:32:42 GMT​​ ​​Connection: close​​ ​​Server: Avamar​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:41 ​​avvcbimage Info <43206>​​: SnapshotManager: addSetAnnotation successful for vm vm-178​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:41 ​​avvcbimage Info <43005>​​: addSetAnnotation Successful​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:41 ​​avvcbimage Info <40660>​​: vcbimage_progress::terminate​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:41 ​​avvcbimage Info <16038>​​: Final summary, cancelled/aborted 0, snapview 0, exitcode 206: plugin error 06​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:46 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_EndAccess: Disk access completed.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:46 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_Connect: Establish connection.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:46 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:VixDiskLib: Resolve host.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:46 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:VixDiskLibVim: VixDiskLibVim_AllowVMotion: Enable VMotion.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:46 ​​avvcbimage Info <16041>​​: VDDK:VixDiskLibVim: VixDiskLibVim_FreeNfcTicket: Free NFC ticket.​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:46 ​​avvcbimage Info <17819>​​: VixDiskLib vMotion reservation successfully released​​ ​
​END avvcbimage log 2022-11-03 11:37:46 CST (3 warnings, ​​3 errors​​, ​​1 fatal error​​)​

​*********** /usr/local/avamarclient/var/MOD-1667446305496-b37c2ab43917bc9ca9edeeace741fab796bcaaaf-3016-vmimagew.alg ***********​

​Log #3: MOD-1667446305496 log 2022-11-03 11:37:20 CST [19.1.100-38 Linux-x86_64]​

​2022-11-03 11:37:20 ​​MOD-1667446305496 Info <0000>​​: Workorder : MOD-1667446305496​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:20 ​​MOD-1667446305496 Info <0000>​​: Plugin ID : 3016-vmimagew​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:20 ​​MOD-1667446305496 Info <0000>​​: bindir : /usr/local/avamarclient/bin​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:20 ​​MOD-1667446305496 Info <0000>​​: vardir : /usr/local/avamarclient/var​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:20 ​​MOD-1667446305496 Info <0000>​​: Initiator : ​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:20 ​​MOD-1667446305496 Info <0000>​​: Executable : /usr/local/avamarclient/bin/avvcbimage​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:20 ​​MOD-1667446305496 Info <0000>​​: Args : avvcbimage --sysdir="/usr/local/avamarclient/etc" --bindir="/usr/local/avamarclient/bin" --vardir="/usr/local/avamarclient/var" --ctlcallport="57831" --ctlinterface="3016-MOD-1667446305496-b37c2ab43917bc9ca9edeeace741fab796bcaaaf" --logtimeformat="default" --logtimezone="default" --logfile="/usr/local/avamarclient/var/MOD-1667446305496-b37c2ab43917bc9ca9edeeace741fab796bcaaaf-3016-vmimagew.log" --ctlusessl="true"​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:20 ​​MOD-1667446305496 Info <0000>​​: Order : ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:47 ​​MOD-1667446305496 Warning <0000>​​: Workorder "MOD-1667446305496" non-zero exit status 'code 206: plugin error 06'​​ ​​2022-11-03 11:37:47 ​​MOD-1667446305496 Info <0000>​​: ​​ ​

​ ​

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VMWare Image Backups Fail (Code 10056) >> avvcbimage Error <9759>: createSnapshot: Snapshot creation failed


Unable to perform VMware client Image backups and they are failing with Code 10056.

The Snapshot create task fails with the following errors:


Issue #1

avvcbimage Warning <16002>: Too many extra snapshot files (3) were found on the VMs datastore. This can cause a problem for the backup or restore.

avvcbimage FATAL <16018>: The datastore information from VMX '[MLUN] Datastore/TestMachine.vmx' will not permit a restore or backup.

avvcbimage Info <0000>: Starting graceful (staged) termination, Too many pre-existing snapshots on the datastore will not permit a restore or backup. (wrap-up stage)

avvcbimage Error <9759>: createSnapshot: snapshot creation failed

The log shows Avamar did not detect there is Snapshot for this VM initially:


avvcbimage Info <14664>: no snapshots are present on this VM.


However, there are Snapshot files on the Datastore:

2013-01-31 23:37:54 avvcbimage Info <14677>: All VM file Info:
File:'CCHA-00SV0D0SAN-000003-ctk.vmdk                   ' last modified on '07-Dec-2011 15:58'  size=3932672
File:'CCHA-00SV0D0SAN-000003-delta.vmdk                 ' last modified on '07-Dec-2011 15:57'  size=134344704
File:'CCHA-00SV0D0SAN-000003.vmdk                       ' last modified on '07-Dec-2011 15:55'  size=408


Issue #2 The vm has too many existing snapshots (30 or more)

2015-02-20 13:47:23 avvcbimage Info <14665>: 30 snapshots are present on this VM:
   level=1, children=1, ref='snapshot-4223', 'snapshot1':desc='na'
     *level=30, children=0, ref='snapshot-4252', 'snapshot30':desc='na
​2015-02-20 13:47:23 avvcbimage FATAL <0000>: [IMG0019] The pre-existing snapshots from VMX '[MLUN] Datastore/TestMachine.vmx does not permit a backup.

EMC Software: Avamar 6.1 - 7.1
System: VMWare


For issue #1
If there are Snapshot files in the Virtual Machine directory and vCenter reported less then was discovered by the scan then the backup fails.




When Avamar attempts to backup a Virtual Machine, it must take a snapshot. Before performing it queries vCenter for how many snapshots the Virtual Machine currently contains. Then the Datastore directory is scanned where the Virtual Machine resides.


For Issue #2
VMware ESI will only permit up to 32 before the Snapshot task fails with: Create Virtual Machine Sapshot task fails with a VMware error of: "Snapshot hierarchy is too deep". As described above we need to take a new "Avamar" snapshot (bring Snapshot count to 31). And the end of the backup we need to delete this Snapshot. This delete action causes ESX to create a hidden esx Snapshot called consolidated helper (snapshot count would be 32) and could fail due to the ESX "Snapshot hierarchy is too deep" issue. For this reason the Avamar proxy code will NOT allow Snapshots of a VM that has existing 30 snapshots.




For Issue #1
Snapshot files must be removed from the Virtual Machines Datastore Directory.


Before removing the files there are some checks that must be completed.

  1. Ensure the Virtual Machines are not currently using the snapshot file in question.
  • This can be done by looking into the virtual machines Settings > Hardware tab > select each disk and make sure the "Disk file" is not allocated to a Snapshot file. (Snapshots will have a suffix named of -00000#.vmdk
  1. Make sure the Avamar proxies does not have the disk attached to them.
  • In vCenter select a proxy and navigate to the Settings > Hardware tab
  • Each proxy should have two disks, any additional should be removed
  • To remove an extra disk, select the disk and click "Remove" and leave the "Removal Options" selection to "Remove from Virtual Machine"
  • This may be done by EMC TSE Using Proxycp utility using the "--listproxydisk --cleanup" options.
  1. Run a Snapshot Consolidation (ESX / vCenter 5.x and above)
  • In vCenter navigate to the Virtual Machine, then in the tool bar  select > Inventory > Virtual Machine > Snapshot > Consolidate
  • For vCenter 4.x you may take a snapshot of the Virtual Machine, Then go back to Snapshot Manager and select "Delete All" (Warning: This deletes all Snapshot even if they are user created, make sure you do not mind losing your current valid snapshots)
  • Manually remove the Snapshots if the Consolidate does not work - Do not perform this if there are other valid user Snapshots Or if the VM disks are currently using any Snapshot file.
    • Navigate to the Datastore directory of the Virtual Machine
    • Create a new Folder in the VM Directory Called "SS Removal"
    • Drag and drop the offending snapshot files into the new directory created above.
  1. Inspect the Datastore directory for the Virtual Machine in question and verify the Snapshot files still exist.
  2. One removed perform a backup.
  3. If the issue is not resolved please contact EMC Technical Support.

For Issue #2. 
In VMware, delete the existing Snapshot. VMware does not recommend using Snapshots as your only  backup strategy (For example: use product like Avamar ). Have more than a small set of short term Snapshots that introduces latency and high stun times during Snapshot operations.Ideally a VM should not have Snapshot.

